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[IRCA] Grayland, WA DXpedition - Aug. 8 - 13, 2017

I was fortunate to visit again Grayland, WA and Florence, OR during the week of August 8 - 13, 2017 and erected a 160â DKAZ antenna at both sites facing around 250 degrees.

Results were pretty mediocre with the highlight being getting a KiwiSDR to âplayâ through the router at Casa Sea Esta [near the old Grayland Motel] so several other folks could have a listen.  Thanks to Ralph Brandi for helping to get this going.

Iâll be adding more things but âloggingsâ are available for listening here:


For those who havenât seen my logs before, I donât do traditional text loggings instead saving small sound samples as I go thru Perseus WAV files making them available on a webpage in a frequency vs. date/time table.

They say a sound is worth 1000 words [or is that a picture?]  Either way, I know Iâd prefer to HEAR what someone else heard than have them describe it to me.


Bill Whitacre
Alexandria, VA
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