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[IRCA] Aussie morning here in IL (UTC) sunrise 1147

I started listening for DU's this morning at 1127 and noticed that 1098 was
almost 10 dB less that the levels that provided some audio Sunday and
Monday. Likely some AU effects on this more northerly path.

Up to 1611 and there's some audio with a guy talking. CHHA was nicely
killed by termination and sunrise. X-band carriers on at least
1629,1638,1665,1683 and 1701 noted by too much slop and not as strong as

Scrolling back down. I note again a decent carrier from 1548.01 but KXEL
slop is again crushing.
1512 again seems close to audio level but I couldn't pull any up. This time
not much trace of a 1521 carrier which was decent a couple days ago.

Back down to the lower end and as I tune to 738 at 1143 I hear some mx by a
female! Hmm it is // to a stronger 702.  No QRM from WLW 700 thx to the
Vactrol and I think sunrise was taking out any KHSE QRM. I recorded a few
minutes of Aussie accented gal talk and it dropped like a stone at 1148.
Hopefully I can copy some when I play it back when I get home from work.

As usual the lower end peaked right around sunrise. 612 once again was
close to providing some audio I thought.

702 and 738 both had SAH's, likely NZ 702 and Tahiti 738.

I was just using a single DKAZ as while I was listening Sunday morning
considerable noise (like arcing) affected the DKAZ closer to the powerlines
down my street and this hasn't gone away. This is sometimes an issue but
usually goes away when winds calm.

73 KAZ Barrington IL
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