Re: [IRCA] 1550 sidebands
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Re: [IRCA] 1550 sidebands


As far as I can tell It's WAZX    SMYRNA,GA with IBOC crap.  They run 50Kw
day time, BUT leave the transmitter on all night long to aggravate the
Elcrapo out of everyone who listens to 1540 or 1560. Here in south eastern
TN, it's really bad. Their signal is S-9 plus 30db. If they had good
programming it wouldn't be so bad, but it's all spanish stuff.

There is also another possiblity. Just before katrina hit the Gulf of Mexico
I could hear a pulsed signal on 1540 and 1560. This is not a IBOC signal I
was hearing, this was possibly something to do with HAARP? Also same type of
signal on 1140 and 1160, also on 940 and 960. As well as other frequenices
across the broadcast band. BUT, since the first of Octobet I hear the iBOC
crap from WAZX.

Check it out.

Old Fort, TN

> At 00:35AM CDT,10/4, am hearing a strong whistle/chirp type interference
> 1540 and 1560, suspect a station on 1550 has modulation problems.  One
> possibility is my local on 1550, WCSJ 1550, Morris, IL about 20 miles SW
> my location.  Loop bearing in NE/SW which corresponds to Morris.  Anyone
> else hearing this?  Also noted evening of 10/2.
> Tom Jasinski

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