Re: [IRCA] High Noon Effect
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Re: [IRCA] High Noon Effect

I sent a reply to this thread recently to another list,
then later realized it was also posted on IRCA, where
there was then some discussion of it (good).
So, my copy finally came back to me (in digest form)
and here it is. Does anyone here remember seeing
the original report?
- Bob

>             But, now comes the translation of the
> original item in Dutch (which was apparently translated from German),
> that this concerns high-noon MW openings in SUMMER (Glenn Hauser, OK,
> Hi Glenn, Here is the translation of the German text. The strange
> thing is that we've never seen it mentioned anywhere else. I didn't
> notice it either before. I was just thinking about this text because
> Niko noticed Spanish and UK low power stations around mid-day. 73,
> (Guido Schotmans, Belgium, July 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.:

This effect, or, what I believe is the same effect, was mentioned
some years ago, I would guess about 10++ years ago, in what I
recall was the IRCA bulletin, where a Hawaii DXer, during the
summer, at his local high noon, would receive signals from
several distant stations on MW. I recall specifically that Vladivostok
on 1475 was mentioned, (which would put this as pre-1978)
and I believe Tahiti and Alaska, maybe the 650 in Alaska, were
also mentioned. The DXer, perhaps Chuck Boehnke?*, noted
the signals would gradually rise out of the noise, peak up for
a few minutes and then gradually disappear, around noon LT.
The report was of signals being readable but never really
strong, and of course, on an otherwise empty frequency, which
means it would be difficult to duplicate today, except, again,
from a location like Hawaii but today there are many more
locals there and the ambient noise would now be a problem..
*not REW

Sorry to be so vague about this, but it has been a long time.
I am quite sure that DX Monitor from that long ago (perhaps
even today) is not archived on-line anywhere and exists only
in print form in the hands of the few DXers who saved their
copies. And recently one of the best archives, in California,
was destroyed in a house fire that claimed the life of the
owner, Don Erickson. Don was IRCA publisher for many
hears and had probably the best extant print library of
old DX bulletins and it is presumed they are all gone now.

As a number of DXers show club loyalty by reporting to only
one bulletin, it is reasonable to assume this info never
appeared anywhere else. Though I an hazy on names and
dates, I have a strong recollection of the nature of the
reception as it was so alien to anything I understood about
MF day propagation. Nice to see some apparent corroboration.

And proof that the practice of supporting one club, and excluding
others, based on emotional or political issues, becomes
ultimately self-defeating.

- Bob (who recalls DX from decades ago but can't tell you
what he had for breakfast this morning, hi)

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