Dear EDXC friends
From the platform in defence of the Spanish Foreign Radio/Radio Exterior de EspaÃa (SFR/REE) short wave , we ask your to support us. So, you simply need thjat you respond this mail (with copy to plataformaondacorta@xxxxxxxxx) stating that you support our effort to achieve that they replaced the REE shortwave broadcast and that you will share with all your collaborators, partners, donors and volunteers the link to sign the platform:
With your support by email, we can tell that you add to our efforts, so that we will gain more weight that allows us to press more RTVE to restore a public service which was the only channel of information which had aid workers, sailors and Spaniards who perform their functions around the world; as well as to all those interested in Spain, its people and culture.
As you know that the REE online emission only is accessible in a few cases, since our work lead us to places in the world where the technology is still very precarious.
The platform is composed by the following organizations: FAPE, EPHF, AER, ORPAGU, CEPESCA and multitude of regional coordinators of development NGOs, associations of journalists, collective of guilds.
Yesterday, October 28, we create us the platform and we have now requested audience with the Vice-President of the Government and the President of Parliament and the President of RTVE.
Your support is essential to get us to listen.
For its part, the AER has created a miniblog on this issue:
Thank you friends for your collaboration, greetings from Spain
Pedro Sedano, Madrid, Spain
twitter @aer_dx