[DX] Välil rassaa
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[DX] Välil rassaa

En kehtaa selittää. Englantinikin mitä sattuu, kun on lauantai-ilta.

73, IS

X-Sender: is.sit@xxxxxxxxxx
From: ilkka suni <is.sit@xxxxxxxxxx>

THE ISS EVEN though a large object, due to its shape is not an easy one. Its surfaces, I believe reflect pretty much all over. Take for instance the solar panels, you mentioned.

It is hard to comprehend, whether the ISS should travel somewhere in the middle of the receiver and the presumed tx pinged.

METEORS AND commercial air traffic don't make pinging the ISS any easier. It helps if there is a phase of low MS-acticity. Also, the air traffic above northern continental Europe is low, at night. As to meteors, some days/nights in February and March have been of potentially low activity.

To add to the challenge, especially from my monitoring location, the ISS orbital track varies. I have noticed, the ISS path runs most regular just north of [UKR] Kiev. Unfortunately, if I double the distance in the direction of Kiev, there is pretty much nothing powerful enough, to cast a signal reflected by the ISS. In my 170 degrees, 2400 km away, there is emptiness.

And now, one must get back to the shape of the ISS. Does it reflect a signal when it travels close to a transmitter, or does it reflect when it travels somewhere inbetween a transmitter and the receiver.

WELL, AT LEAST I have tried, tens of times. If not beyond a 100 times.

There are people who do a hell of a lot work, to achieve the task. Then again, there are people who sit on their lazy bottoms and bark at everything that moves.

One thing I am sure of is, I have reason to believe it is possible to get a reflcetion by the ISS. But these reflections would primarily be rapid and faint, nothing like an MS ping or a familiar aircraft scatter.

What I have found interesting is, there have been many occasions I have been monitoring 92.4 MHz. And right as the ISS travels just some 100 to 300 km north of Kiev, I get a brief reflection. This symptom I found just too regular. Then again, maybe it is just coincidental.

73, ilkka

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