[DX] Studio 1 ja RDS
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[DX] Studio 1 ja RDS

Studio 1:n tekijä Sandro Sfregola on virittänyt uudessa ohjelmaversiossa
1.05f RDS-modea ... ja lopputulos näyttää lupaavalta. Olen tässä aamupäivän
testaillut ko. uutta versiota ja RDS on huomattavasti herkempi kuin esim.
1.05e-versiossa. Antaa RDS:n jopa vain 10-15 dB yli kohinan oleville

"RDS data is transmitted in pieces called ?RDS groups? and each group is
composed of four ?RDS blocks?. To obtain valid data the RDS decoder must
achieve ?synchronization? first; this
means that a correct sequence of blocks ?A? to ?D? must be validated by the
embedded error correction system. In very poor S/N ratio (approximately
below 11-12 dB) this is impossible.
In normal use this is usually not a great concern but for DX enthusiast it
is, as the main goal is the identification of the broadcaster by the RDS PI
data. PI data is embedded at least in all
?Block A? of any RDS groups so it is one of the more redundant pieces of
information transmitted. In RDS ?DX-mode? Studio 1 tries to extract the PI
by attempting a partial
synchronization, then the relative PI data is shown in red. The level of
confidence is very high (> 99.5%). The RDS decoder exits ?DX-mode? once full
synchronization is achieved and the PI
label returns to its normal state. In order to re-enter DX-mode you have to
reset the decoder by the RESET button in the RDS Info window. DX mode
behaviour has been modified in Rel.
1.05f (see the QS guide provided with Rel. 1.05e). For marginal signals
DX-mode can be a very useful tool." (lainaus QSG:stä).

Lienee tällä hetkellä herkin RDS-systeemi. Ei tämäkään toki kaikkia
häiriöisiä signaaleja tunnista - mutta huomattavasti enemmän kuin muilla
ohjelmilla. Uusin versio on imuroitavissa SDR Applications -firman sivuilta
http://www.sdrapplications.it/ . Suosittelen!

73 de SDXL1398/OH5MD, Ilkka M.

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