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Re: [DX] Aamun kelit
Alla suora sitaatti lähetetty aktiivisille LA-kuuntelijoille ympäri Pohjoismaita. Teksto koskee siis keliolosuhteet Porvoossa sunnuntaina 16.10 yö-aamu.
"The conditions in Porvoo changed drasticly from the night-morning before. During the early night hours a lot of NA's all over the band but difficult to find something useful and the signal strengths not what they were 24 hours earlier. Later in the morning cx switched more towards the Caribbean with huge signals of the most common PR-stations. Around 04.30-05.30 the cx-switched southwards with fenomenal signals from peruvians CPN and Santa Rosta as well as Agricultura. I blocked the following frequencies: 1240, 1250, 1320 and 1580v/1370. R Peru on 1320 in Juliaca was noted on a "splashy" frequency during some good peaks. This has been noted earlier in Porvoo but without ID as well as by JPR (and Björn Malm). The most interesting was a station with nx/mx-format on 1239.97 along with presumambly peruvian Maria on 1240.00. I enclose a clip of the 1239.97 station which turned out to be OAU6D R Líder, Arequipa (ID at 6 seconds). This is the only ID on a one 37 min recorrding. many frequencies had weak but interesting andinian signals but the peak was too short to get more."
73's JEÖ
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