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[DX] Unids 4770/4777 and some AIR stations
Re my unid on 4777 y'day. Today 10 Oct while checking
this frequency at 1640 they had French announcers and
hilife music. No id detected. They pulled the plug again
around 1657. Am I hearing a spur or an image here?
Anyone else hearing this station?
Unid 4770 was audible around the same time but when
rechecking around 1730 UTC it was gone.
Maybe my earphones are too tight or maybe I've spent
far too much time in listening...
Anyway, I checked some All India Radio stations today around 1415:
4830 Jammu and 4950 Srinagar were alive.
AIR Kurseong was off the nominal, on 4896. So Mongolia on 4895
didn't interfere too much.
And PAK clandestine on 5102 was also there as usual.
Jari Savolainen
Tsekkaa HCDX:n uusi www sivu: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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