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[DX] Touho ei ollutkaan uutisankka! (UNID ranskaa 729kHz)
Chris Martin mwoz-listalla:
"Great going there with your 729kHz catch. You've got a newly commissioned
New Caledonian. I tuned it last night and paralleled it to Noumea 666kHz. It
has a satellite delay on the feed but sure is same px. Today I rang the C.E.
of TDF in Noumea and he told me it was commissioned in the second week of
September. It's location is on the north east coast of New Caledoina at
Touho. He could not tell me its transmitter power off the top of his head.
I suggest you send the reception report to TDF in Noumea as they are the
ones with the QSL cards - well they were ten years ago when I visited them.
FR3 weren't very interested when I called in and they sent me up the hill to
the TDF facility. Good catch Pat.
I would say that there is a further story here due to a change in approach.
Some 20 years ago FR3 had a 4Kw transmitter on 1260kHz at Mt Aoupinie. It
was a temporary service for about a year whilst the extensive FM network
across New Caledonia was established. A very high mountain range runs the
length of the island. For years now the FM network is the main link to the
population. 666kHz on Saint Marie Island (Noumea) at times is fed from Paris
as the Republics main program. What I heard last night on 729 / 666 was talk
back and music with English lyrics - stuff like Bob Dylan."
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