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[DX] 729 UNID ranskaa
Tässä identifioitavaa Lapin kävijöille (HCDX:stä):
Re Patrick Martin's catch on 729 last night, and Bruce Portzer's
suggestion it's Vanuatu.
>From what I can gather, VBTC technicians were at Luganville on Santo
in Vanuatu recently working on a local relay of CCTV [China], and a
relay of VBTC [Radio Vanuatu] programs over Halo FM, a local station
Given that two new MW transmitters are due on air in Vanuatu in
mid-September [part of a NZ Government Aid Program], that VBTC
broadcasts in French [part of the time] and the presence of VBTC
technical staff in Luganville these past two weeks, I'd speculate
that Patrick has heard VBTC Luganville, Santo, Vanuatu on 729.
However, this is only speculation for the moment.
Warm regards
David Ricquish
Radio Heritage Foundation
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