Re: [DX] Mike Spenser etsii kÃmppÃÃ pÃÃkaupunkiseudulta
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Re: [DX] Mike Spenser etsii kÃmppÃÃ pÃÃkaupunkiseudulta

Jatkona Hannun viestiin rohkenen kopioida osan Miken kirjeestÃ, jossa hÃn 
kertoo tarpeestaan:

"Another favour I might ask of you. I need desperately a place to set up the
small studio and possibly live in. Nothing fancy and hopefully a donation of
some free space. I have very little money except to get started. The antenna
we will be broadcasting from will be in Metsala and I believe Haaga is the
area. I need to be close so I can get a signal by direct sight to the
antenna Or as an alternative I can be anywhere nearby to Helsinki and just
use a high quality internet stream to send the audio to the antenna/tx.
FICORA are very supportive. They are lending me their 500 watt tx until I
can get one and say that with success I can extend the QSL for another 3
months with just a short break. They also say that if it goes really well I
MIGHT be able to keep the frequency on a permanent basis once they have a
reshuffle in the new year with the frequencies and the licences."

Eli jos joku tietÃÃ sopivan edullista tilaa pÃÃkaupunkiseudulta, mihin Mike 
voisi kasata studionsa, ottaa hÃn ilomielin vinkkejà vastaan. Olisi tosi 
hienoa, jos me dx-kuuntelijat pystyisimme hÃntà auttamaan. Se olisi oiva 
kÃdenojennus tÃllaiselle uhkarohkealle kaverille, joka lÃhti kÃynnistÃmÃÃn 
Suomeen kaupallista radiota keskiaalloille!

Toinen kohde, jossa voisimme auttaa, olisi mainospuoli. Hinnat eivÃt pÃÃtà 

"We are charging only â75 a week for 56 adverts, 1 every 3 hours 7 days 
around the clock. We need advertising. If
you have a different business or some friends that want to advertise please
let me know. I have already been on YLE with a news item about the project
here and there will be more as I start to broadcast live from Helsinki
around the middle of August on 102.4 mhz FM in stereo of course. Same rock
and roll plus more!"

Miken tavoittaa parhaiten sÃhkÃpostilla mikespenser@xxxxxxxxxxx tai 
puhelimesta 040 875 1948. Tai vaihtoehtoisesti laita viesti minulle 
jim@xxxxxxxxxxx, niin vÃlitÃn sen eteenpÃin.

Parhain terveisin,

Jim Solatie, Espoo

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