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[DX] RTI 1350 QSL and R Nord
There's a way to QSL R Tatras International 1350 kHz
via the transmitter operator KREBS TV in Latvia.
Just received a kind full-data verification by e-mail.
Same company also operates Radio Nord on 945 kHz
and they said printed QSL-cards for R Nord are now ready
and will be sent out soon. RTI cards will be printed later.
If you need the e-mail address for reports of 1350 kHz
Kuldiga transmitter, please contact me.
My e-mail is: jari.savolainen [at] pp8.inet.fi
Jari Savolainen
Tsekkaa HCDX:n uusi www sivu: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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