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[DX] Fäesaaret news
Seuraava oli viimeisessä DX Listening Digestissä
(Glenn Hauser).
** FAROE ISLANDS. Hi Glenn, re 5-060; yes, indeed, Útvarp Føroya on
shows this comment in English:
'The Parliament to decide who is responsible for the Medium Wave
Transmitter of the Faroese Radio --- týsdagur, 22. mars 2005 12.53
The Parliamentary Committee should become involved in the matter on
the medium wave transmitter of the Faroese Radio, says Tórbjørn
Jacobsen, MP. He has sent the Parliamentary Committee a letter in
which he advises the committee to decide who is responsible for the
fact that the medium wave transmitter is not being used.
Tórbjørn Jacobsen points out that one of the main purposes of the
transmitter, when it was bought, was that those at sea should be able
to listen to the Faroese Radio. Recent announcements that the
transmitter will remain turned off at least for another month have
left Tórbjørn Jacobsen very discontent with the situation. Tórbjørn
Jacobsen says that when it seems to be so difficult to determine
whether it is the Ministry of Trade and Industry or if it is the
Faroese Telecom that is responsible for the transmitter then the
correct thing would be for the Parliamentary Committe to get involved
in the matter.
Now that the medium wave transmitter is out of service the main news
programs of the Faroese Radio will be broadcast on the Tórshavn Radio.
The programs at 12:20 and 18:30 will be heard at 1758 kilohertz, which
is channel 2 of the Tórshavn Radio on medium wave. With this system it
will be possible for most ships to hear the news programs using a
normal radio.'
So now´s the chance to hear broadcasts and get a verification from a
second 'MW' transmitter in the Faroes. 73's and best wishes (Finn
Krone, Denmark, April 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Do they really mean 1758 kHz??? Broadcasting in that range would be
unprecedented. I don`t see any MW frequency besides 531 mentioned in
WRTH 2005. Actually a maritime transmitter? (Glenn Hauser, DX
Yes, Glenn, cf last item in this partial coastal stations list on
Danske, færøske og grønlandske kystradiostationer på MF
Station Kyst kHz Skib kHz Antennens position Trafiklistetider(UTC)
(i.e. Danish, Faroese and Greenlandic coastal stations on MF - Station
Coast kHz Ship Anetenna position Trafoclisttimes (UTC)):
Lyngby Radio (Skamlebæk) 1704 2129 55 50 20N 11 25 26E 0105-0305-...
Blåvand I (Bovbjerg) II 1734 1767 2078 2111
55 33 14N 08 06 58E 0105-0305-...
(kun 1734)
Skagen 1758 2102 57 44 26N 10 34 27E 0150-0305-...
Rønne 2586 1995 55 02 33N 15 06 57E 0105-0305-...
Tórshavn Radio 1641 1758 2066 2102 62 00 52N 06 47 27W 0035-0235-...
(kun 1641)
but used for 'broadcast' (news) as long as dispute/absense of MW, it
seems. 73's (Finn Krone, Denmark, ibid.)
Now we may fight over whether to classify 1758 as MW or SW. Note that
FI is not the only station on 1758; kun means primary, or alternate?
(Glenn Hauser, DXLD)
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