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[DX] Re: Bostonin alueen piraatit
Lisänä vielä yksi 1710 kHz newyorkilainen NRC-listalta, tämä voisi kuulua
Suomessa (mutta onko tämä piraatti vai clandestine ;-)):
> For the past few evenings around 0600-0700 GMT I have heard a man
> talking, no music, in no language that I recognize, it sounds like it may
> be a religious program or a political one by the strident tone, but have
> heard nothing that sounds like an ID
ahh that sounds like Radio hazalah. its a hasidic jewish Pirate based
in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn,NY they have been around for
Years.. seems the FCC is afraid of them for political reasons... they
have been heard all over the country during band conditions... they are
probably running between 25 and 100 wats with a wire dropped over the
side of a tall Building...
the last known FCC action with them. the FCC found a TIS type antennna
On the roof of a Building. ttried to send an NAL to the Building
owner.. But after he Proved he knew Nothing about it they dropped the
NAL.. yet they let the station stay on the air. and did not cut down
the antenna..
73, MR
Eipä ole näitä koskaan Suomessa kuultu. Olisi kiva tietää, millä tehoilla
lähettävät? Laillisten x-bandin asemien yötehot ovat noin yhden kilowatin
luokkaa, mutta kaudella 1997-1998 Suomessa kuultiin myös Dallas-Ft. Worth
International Airportin lentokenttäradio taajuuksilla 1640 ja 1680 kHz. Sen
lähetysteho oli muistaakseni 80 wattia molemmilla taajuuksilla. Eli jos nämä
Bostonin asemat ovat edes sitä luokkaa, niin hyvin voisivat täällä kuulua.
530 Radio Planet Compas, Randolph - French Caribbean.
540 R. Log, Dorchester - R&B/urban contemporary.
870 unID - Classical music days, French Caribbean zouk nights.
1580 WRCB R. Concorde, Mattapan - French Caribbean.
1620 R. Energy, Boston - French Caribbean.
1620 R. Soleil International, Brockton - French Caribbean.
1640 WRNM R. Nouveauté, Boston - Off the air? Moving to 1710 kHz?
1650 Logan Airport Info, East Boston - Airline terminal assignments.
1670 WRDI R. Diffusion International, Boston - French news/talk.
1670 R. Communautaire de Brockton, Brockton - French Caribbean.
1680 WRUI R. Union International, Boston - Continuous French Caribbean
zouk. http://www.radiounioninter.com
1690 WRCI R. Creole International, Lynn - French news/talk, AM Stereo.
1700 R. Bèl Ayiti, Boston - French Caribbean. http://www.belayiti.com
1700 unID, Lawrence - Spanish contemporary Christian music and
1710 Swamped by WRKO and WBZ (680 + 1030 = 1710 kHz).
(Bruce Conti, Jan 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
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