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[DX] Hyvästi kelit... ??
Moi kaikki,
Suora lainaus www.dxlc.com/solar -nettisivulta:
"Comment added at 07:04 UTC on January 20: Region 10720 has just produced a giant X7.1 proton flare. A very strong proton storm has already started at Earth, this is likely to seriously degrade radio communications over the next days, particularly for polar and near polar signal paths. Further updates will be posted later on ... This could become the largest proton storm during this solar cycle. The above 100 MeV proton flux is already past the 400 pfu mark.
Comment added at 13:02 UTC: Type II and IV radio sweeps were recorded along with the X7 flare. It is likely that the flare was associated with a large CME, however, LASCO images covering this event are unavailable at this time. Those images might not be very interesting either because of strong proton contamination. The CME is likely to have had some Earth directed component and could reach our planet on January 21 or 22. The current proton storm peaked soon after the flare reached its peak with the above 100 MeV flux reaching about 700 pfu, while the above 10 MeV flux had a maximum near 2000 pfu. The proton storm has not become as intense as the first numbers suggested."
Siis kunnon paukku auringossa ja goodbye TA-kelit ainakin viikoksi?!
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