[DX] X-band - Change of rules
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[DX] X-band - Change of rules

Tiedoksi mitä on ollut pitkään aistettavissa.  Eli säännöt näitten X-band asemien kohdalla on muuttunut. Niillä on nykyään omat lisenssit, omat ohjelmat (jos haluaa) ja lisenssejä uusiutuu halutessaan molemmille asemille. Olisiko SDXL syytä vähän katsella näitä sovellutuksia ja korjata se mitä oli hyvin ajateltu mutta valitettavasti väärin alusta saakka, koska se taistelee vastaan se että yksi asema/lisenssi... Näinhän se touhu toimii Yhdysvalloissa, eli jos jotakin toimii niin sille annetaan mahdollisuus toimia, vastakohta kutsutaan byrokratiaksi.

Lähettäjä: Dick Harris
Vastaanottaja: pstenman@xxxxxxxx
Aihe: Your questions
Päivä: 17. tammikuuta 2005 21:57

Hello again, Per-Ole:
                                   I just finished reading your very enjoyable e-mail. You raised a couple of questions I would like to respond to here.  You asked about what you saw in the Early Morning snow picture I sent (I send it here again).  The tower on the far left is the tower that supports my beam antenna for Ham Radio. (Currently not functioning).  The strange looking device in the center of the picture is my new experimental 80-meter antenna, also not yet fully functional. The weather has been too bad to work on it. It requires being adjusted to resonance at my desired operating frequency.  By the way it is the design of a Norwegian Ham Ralf Bilal, called an "Isotron" antenna.  Then the third item in the picture, you identified correctly as not a lamp but a bird feeder, designed to let little birds in to eat but keep troublesome squirrels out.

                                   You asked about KTFH:  yes, when we started  the rules gave us 5 years to decide to keep it or abandon it or abandon KLFE at 1590.  However, the FCC had a change of heart soon after that license was granted because, I believe, they had not realized that creative broadcasters would develop totally separate programs for it that would not require "simulcasting" programs from an associated main band station. (e.g. KLFE)  In fact KTFH is a very successful commercial revenue producer, more so than each of the other five Salem Seattle stations, KGNW(50kw), KKOL(1kw), KKMO(5kw). KLFE(5kw), and KIKN(5kw).

                                  This week our weather has turned to rain, and will probably remain that way all week long. There are flood warnings along the rivers here in our state of Washington.  In fact we have a little flood of our own in our back yard because the rain cannot run off fast enough!!

                                  One other thing, I am awaiting delivery this week of a new Ham radio transceiver, a Kenwood TS-570D.  My trusty 40-year old DrakeTR-4 finally died and when I calculated what it might cost to repair an old vacuum tube rig, I decided that I would be better off spending the money on a new state of the art rig.  So I have officially retired my Drake TR-4.

                                Have a great winter, Per-Ole.

                                     Dick Harris, K7VCD



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