Re: [DX] Kaukaisin asema?
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Re: [DX] Kaukaisin asema?

Pistekeskusteluun viitaten, eikö tärkein asia kuitenkin ole, että saako tästä pisteen jos asema vastaa? Ensin toki pitää varmistaa, että aseman lähetykset on todellakin tarkoitettu julkisesti kuunneltavaksi, eikä ole hyötyliikenneasema :-)


Jorma Mantyla wrote:

Ei nuolaista ennen kuin tipahtaa.  Arvovaltainen
Sky&Telescope -lehti pitää uutista epäluotettavana
huhuna. Ks.

Ennen kuin tämän luokan tieteellinen suuruutinen
saadaan varmistettua, vaaditaan monia tarkistuksia ja
varmennuksia toisistaan riippumattomissa lähteissä.


On Sat, 4 Sep 2004, Mauno Ritola wrote:

Saiskohan tästä pistettä edes nauharankissa?

SEPTEMBER 03, 2004

Scientists from SETI, the worldwide project for Search for Extra-Terrestrial
Intelligence claim to have detected what they believe to be the first radio
signal from an alien civilisation.

The report to be published in the science journal New Scientist states that
the faint pulse, detected by the world's biggest single-dish telescope, the
Arecibo radio telescope, in Puerto Rico originated from a planet located
somewhere between the two constellations Pisces and Aries.

Scientists have ruled out the possibility of the signal as interference from
Earth, satellites or other cosmic sounds.

"It boggles my mind. We' re looking for something that screams 'Artificial'
but this just doesn't do that," said SETI scientist Eric Korpela.

"The signal is moving rapidly in frequency. You would expect that from a
transmitter on a rapidly-rotating planet," the journal quoted SETI scientist
Eric Korpela as saying. More interestingly, the signal was first detected by
two home computer users in Germany and the United States, following which
SETI redirected Arecibo towards the source.

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