[DX] Radio Tangazeni Kristo, Aru, Congo DR - 4845 kHz
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[DX] Radio Tangazeni Kristo, Aru, Congo DR - 4845 kHz
Some time ago in DX Listening Digest I noted an item
about a shortwave station in Congo DR "about 30 km
west of Arua, Uganda" that was supposed to broadcast
on 4585 kHz. I did some investigation and finally got
these facts together;
The station is called Radio Tangazeni Kristo (RTK) and
operates from the town called Aru in Congo DR, just
west of town Arua in Uganda. They are on 4845 kHz with
very low power. It is a christian station and jointly operated
by CECA-20 and DIGUNA (the latter based in Germany).
There is also RTK FM-station in Bunia. The programs are
mainly in local languages, some Swahili/French/English.
The schedule given was in local time (I guess it's UT+2):
Daily 0530-0715 (0330-0515 UT)
Mon-Fri 1600-2130 (1400-1930 UT)
Sat/Sun 1355-2130 (1155-1930 UT)
One of my sources said that the power increase will happen
in the beginning of September. Output power will then be
Jari Savolainen
Tsekkaa HCDX:n uusi www sivu: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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