[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 13, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 13, 2008

** ALASKA. 7355, Sept 13 at 1510 in Russian talk, fair. Per Aoki can only be KNLS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. As I was searching the MW band for Ike-related anomalies, I was sidetracked by good signal on 540 playing ``O, Carol``, and back-announcement soon recognized as Randy Bachman`s Vinyl Tap on CBC Radio 1, i.e. CBK Saskatchewan; this was way over XEWA, as sometimes happens when northern conditions are good. Then at 0605 on 990 it was Radio Netherlands` ``Bridges With Africa`` program, i.e. via WRN via CBC Overnight via CBW Manitoba. No IBOC audible from KTOK 1000 at the moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC was back in English on 6140, UT Sept 14 at 0212 and 0520 chex, and after 0600, having been in Spanish 24 hours earlier. So now my theory is that it was a mistake, probably caused by the studio operator putting up the wrong tape for the 6140 transmitter. Except for certain obviously live shows like Mesa Redonda, and maybe Aló Presidente, everything in RHC`s regular schedule is likely to be recorded earlier in the day to give the censors time to vet it, and to make sure some announcer doesn`t lose his cool and go on the air denouncing the Revolution, or indeed say anything the least bit negative about the government. 

Wrong tape theory is abetted by the late start for the news well after 0600. The only problem is that 6140, 6060 and 6000 when in English have been synchronized so there would presumably be only one playback going to all three. O well. Maybe 6140 is at a different site than the other two and that one only lost its STL so they put up whatever they could get their hands on, like an earlier Spanish broadcast.

RHC continues to have trouble with the 6000 transmitter and/or antenna. Normally on until 1400, it was missing again at 1315 Sept 13, good news for the Korean clandestine on 6003 and the Australian DRM on 5990-5995-6000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. DW Russian, 15420 via UK, Sat Sept 13 at 1434-1459:30* abrupt had show with fascinating music on unconventional instruments, reminding me of Harry Partch. Per website the Sat 1430 show is called Muzprosvet, worth catching futurely. Unlike Don Jensen, I am not impressed with Google translation, since all it can manage is transliterating the word as above, not translating or defining it! 

But the blurb about the program at 
http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,268970,00.html comes out as:

``Business Card transfer 

Muzprosvet - a weekly half (as easy to guess the music) Analytical radio. Is it Andrew Gorokhov. Leading not nourishes tender addiction to any specific musical direction, having scepticism about any pop culture phenomenon. His genuine enthusiasm (and envy) causes only traditional music of Africa and Asia. 

Typically, in Muzprosvete sounds more or less electrified Western European music, claim to an independent view on things. 

In any case, fans expect from Muzprosveta techno and breykbita, noise and minimalism. Muzprosvet has its own propaganda (it is - light knowledge) from Bonn, the main actors of many programs - German musicians. But every attempt to avoid provincialism and imperialism, Muzprosvet forces to the best paying attention to a variety of musical events.``

And DW has a link to a site in Latvia and Russia about this, http://www.muzprosvet.ru/ and it has some audio linx but only for a couple dates in July. Is there an audio archive of latest shows??
Live stream is at:

After the semiminute break, Russian resumed at 1500 on same 15420 but much weaker. As to be expected, since this is when sites switch from Rampisham to UAE (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 15050, distorted talk in S Asian language, Sept 13 at 1444, strong but with flutter. This is AIR Sinhala service scheduled 1300-1500, 100 kW from Delhi-Kingsway site, per Aoki; also on 15050 at 1115-1215 is the Tamil service, but different site and power, 250 kW from Delhi-Khampur, both at 174 degrees. What does this tell us about AIR`s priorities? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 4750, RRI Makassar ID by YL heard immediately at tune-in 1328 Sept 13, then lite romantic music; poor, but better than the only other Indo audible, 4790. Might have been a good Indo morning if I had started listening a sesquihour earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 15285, VOT IS, 1359 Sept 13 and opening Arabic at 1400; fair from Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Tnx to numerous tips on numerous lists, KGOW 1560 Bellaire TX, strong here at 0512 UT Sept 13, H. Ike coverage reported as simulcasting audio of KPRC-TV 2. Obviously running day power of 50 kW for the emergency, and Jerry Kiefer says more like 300 kW ERP usward!

There must have been a lot of changes since the year+old NRC AM Log 2007 which showed:

KILE Bellaire TX C D3 50000 -psra 154 - CP U5 50000/1000 AP U4. 10614 Rockley Road, Houston 77099-3514 - 281-564-7064. ETHNIC - 0700-LSS

What is KGOW normal format now, and what does the 2008 NRC Log say?

Radio-locator.com has different address in Rogers TX and says night power is normally 100 watts; linx to coverage maps too: 

At 0550 UT Sept 13 in the null of WSM, I heard ``News-talk 650`` non-ID, also tnx to no IBOC audible at the moment from WWLS-640 in the same direxion. I suspected this was KIKK Pasadena TX, normally daytimer only, but also doing its part for the emergency, which isn`t much with only a 250 watt transmitter, and probably getting creamed in Houston by WSM et al. 

That is, until I found a perfect match on the slogan in the 2007 NRC AM Log for CKOM Saskatoon. Other news/talk format stations listed are in AK, CA, MN, and plain old talk in VA and WY. So can`t be sure (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [non]. Quite a culture clash on 6020, Sept 13 at 1313, Bells of St. Peter mixing with R. Australia Saturday night country music show, the former relayed by RVA Philippines, but transmitter off shortly. RA doesn`t think this is a problem in their target area (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7270, Sept 13 at 1509, strong carrier on and off, presumably a frustrated ham objecting to the broadcast station uncovered intermittently, in Chinese talk and music. Per Aoki this could be:

7270*VOICE OF CHINA 1435-1535 1234567 Chinese 100 325 Hu Wei TWN 12024E 2343N VOC a08

But since there is an asterisk, it is more likely Chicom jamming of the non-Firedrake variety against VOC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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