[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 11, 2008 [more]
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 11, 2008 [more]

** BRAZIL. RNA, 11780 was reported from Brasil to have been missing at least a couple days. Maybe, but regularly audible here, such as Sept 11 at 1857 in Portuguese, weaker than and badly squeezed between DGS Anguilla 11775 and WHRI 11785 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CROATIA [non]. 9925 via Germany, Sept 11 at 2227 in English, only fair with fading, noise, 2229 ID as ``Croatian Radio, the Voice of Croatia`` and continued in English past 2230 when it is supposed to switch to Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Mesa Redonda show from RHC must have started at 2200 Sept 11, as it was already underway at tune-in 2225 on 9820, but the modulation was cutting out more than it was cutting on, despite big S9+25 signal. Wiggle that patchcord! Only // is 6000, and that was OK, tho much weaker. Despite being unlistenable on 9820, I have to say it was not as bad as WWRB 9385 with BS double-breakup a few minutes earlier; see SOUTH CAROLINA [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. R. Martí weatherman, --- Domínguez, who has a distinctive manner of speaking, is heard more frequently now, such as Sept 11 at 1947 on 13820 with detailed outlook for different provinces of Cuba. If you hear ``chubascos`` mentioned, you are probably hearing this meteorólogo. Then a phone-in from Matanzas about evacuations, dam overflowing, flooding river, food shortages developing, etc. At midday this is very strong and jamming often inaudible. I could hear a bit during momentary fadedowns, as Castro & Castro try to keep out The Truth.

The DentroCuban Jamming Command may be getting a handle on when not to waste watts on WRMI. Sept 11 at 2228 check, heard something weak on 9955 in English, presumably WRN relay, no jamming audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. RRI, 9790, Sept 11 at 2223 ending talk in English about how to manage prescription medicine dosage during Ramadan. This can be a problem, since fasting and taking medicine with food at certain intervals don`t exactly mix. Did the inventors of Ramadan think of that??? Good signal but some distortion. I guess it`s one of the new Galbeni transmitters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Tuning across WWRB, 9385, which runs Brother Scare all day, Sept 11 at 2211-2213 we were getting a double dose offset by a second or two, and furthermore each was breaking up rapidly in picket-fence fashion, making R. G. even more unintelligible than usual. Clicked back into regular mode at 2213. One wonders exactly how this happens. Once there is anything digital in the link from studio to transmitter, the risk increases (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WBCQ is still running 9329v kHz, as heard financial discussion Sept 11 at 1853 on CSSB, but gone at 1904 recheck. Per WBCQ schedule, it`s Money Talk, another show pushing gold, M-F only at 18-19. AFAIK, 9330 is not on the air at any other time now, so we can keep hoping and trying for Syria after 1900 past 2300, but by barely modulating, they don`t cooperate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. Near the end of the 1900 UT broadcast from RNV, via Cuba 15290 at 1956 Sept 11, 2008, they ran their usual schedule announcement in Spanish. If it starts with ``to San Francisco at 11 am on 13740``, as it did, you know they STILL haven`t updated their transmission schedule announcement since first coming on the air in April 2004! And the 13740 transmission ended about a year later. The announced schedules not only include deleted times and frequencies, but omit ones that have been added since, such as 1000 on 6180, 1100 on 6060, both of which I heard again Sept 11, the latter in English shortly after it started. They are clueless in Caracas about when their Canal Internacional is really on the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ZAMBIA. Surprised that CVC Lusaka, 13590, Sept 11 at 1859-1904 was putting in such a good signal so far from its target area, CIRAF 46SE, which means Nigeria, but it is 100 kW at 315 degrees, which is also favorable for NAm, scheduled for long hours, 06-21 UT, despite several other co-channel transmissions during parts of that from Portugal, Germany, Russia and China, but at this hour it is alone.

When I tuned in, announcer Brad was answering the question How big is God? By computing how long it would take to count all the stars in the galaxy at one per second (3000 years). I see. Then IDs/jingles as ``1Life, 1Way, 1Africa``. and the like. Maybe Brad has a South African accent rather than Australian? Not sure. So is he really in the new RSA studio or the Queensland one? 

A continuous musical bed is running, and heavily produced, à la Rod Hembree, mere a cappella talk being too dull to hold the attention of the younger African set this is aimed at, as evidenced by promo for SMS to 27 789 407 457 with the word ``friend`` in order to get a free friendship message in reply. Whoopee! Stealth evangelism in axion.
This is in stark contrast to its neighbors on the dial, the plodding Harold Camping on WYFR 13615, who also sounded a bit hoarse today, and an equally soporific preacher on WINB 13570. At 1942 recheck, 1Africa was still inbooming with lively praise music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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