[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 9, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 9, 2008

** CUBA [and non]. With H. Ike crossing western Cuba Sept 9, time for another check of SW transmitters. First at 0524, RHC English inaudible on 11760, 9550, but really poor propagation may be the reason; OK on 6140, 6000, and 6060, in descending order of strength, obsessed with the Cinco Presos and giving their first names (do they rotate the order, just to be fair?).

Radio Martí, 7405 without jamming at 0524 during music show. Propagation not the cause here as WYFR was OK on 7730, 7520. RM 6030 also in the clear at 0525 with no jamming audible!  

Radio Rebelde, 5025: normal at 0540, mentioned that Rebelde on 1180 was the only frequency on the air for central Cuba [just happens to try to block R. Martí].

Next check in the 1230-1400+ UT period. News from somewhere at 1300 said Ike was about to hit the mainland for the second time at Pinar del Río.

RHC operations were normal, except for 6000 missing.
Jammers were OFF, allowing R. Martí to be in the clear, and WRMI.
Relays of China and Venezuela were also OFF. The details:

Radio Rebelde: At 1230, 5025 was still on as usual, with Ike coverage more focused than RHC which was wandering away to other topix. 1335 still audible talking about massive evax.

RHC: at 1230, the first frequency I checked, 6000 was absent; normally runs until 1400. Could be that its antenna, larger than the higher frequencies, was more subject to wind damage.

Following RHC channels were confirmed on with normal operations: at 1239, 6180; at 1245, 9600, with programming about cultural relations with Mexico`s regiomontana region (Nuevo León). 1249, 12000; 1251, 11760; 1256, 15360 and 15120; 1302, 15370, 13680. RHC news leads with Raúl telephoning support to the head of the Party in hard-hit Holguín, ho hum. How about some real news, rather than party leaders` doings?

Jammers: no sign of them on R. Martí frequencies, loud and clear for a change: 1232 on 7405, talking about the totally disastrous situation in Cuba; 1235 on 9805; 1255 on 13820, but RM still weak. 1303 on 11845 very good. 1336, still good on 7405. Also no jamming on WRMI with R. Cuba Libre, 9955, at 1248, but WRMI quite weak.

CRI relays: at 1246, 9570 missing; at 1402 past 1600, 13740 missing.
RNV relay: at 1254, 11705 missing.

The missing transmissions could be due to: 1) voluntary closedown to minimize damage, perhaps lowering antennas in advance if possible; 2) power outages but only in some areas; 3) real hurricane damage to antennas and/or other equipment at sites; 4) studio-transmitter link outages for any of same reasons; 5) in the case of jammers, relenting to allow useful info from outside in --- naah, of course not (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUIANA FRENCH. DRM on 15310-15315-15320, Sept 9 at 1259 and continuing past 1301, steady S9+18 and likely from one of the W. Hemisphere sites, Bonaire which has used frequency before at other times, or HCJB? No, Guiana French reactivated as in this case the DRM DX schedule has it for three days only:
1200-1400 09/08-09/10 15315 292 Mexico 150 TDF GUF various Montsinéry 
And details here: http://www.drmrx.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2004 
also showing 11825, 17875 and 21620 at other times of day. 

But why? Not stated. Some meeting must be going on in Mexico, with this as a demo. In fact, it is La Séptima Bienal Internacional de Radio, at the Centro Nacional de las Artes, 8-12 September, info about which Magdiel Cruz Rodríguez has sent us, including DRM and IBOC demonstrations. More monitoring reports of these are at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/drmna/messages 

** INDONESIA. Qur`an on 4790, Sept 9 at 1233, so must be RRI Fak2, making it thru again, but none of the other 60m Indos audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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