[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 6, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 6, 2008

** AUSTRALIA. RA, 9785, G signal in Indonesian, 2230 UT Sat Sept 6 starting ``English from Australia`` lessons based on lyrix of John Denver songs; this is no Kang Guru show originating in Australia and carried on RRI stations, also teaching English. Axually more English than Indonesian heard past 2250, with occasional QRDRM from Sackville 9795-9800-9805. Site is Darwin at 290 degrees, almost due west, making me wonder if it`s long-path, which would seem unusual, while RNW Indo via Madagascar longpath around same time on other frequencies is common. 

At 2313 found another RA // Indo frequency, 15230, which by then was better than 9785 and not synchronized with it. 15230 is Shepparton at 30 degrees, surely short-path, but why is it aimed eastward of any part of Indonesia? Because the 2300 hour just like the 2200 hour on 15230 is supposed to be in English to Oceania, per Aoki and EiBi; mistake, or recent change? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. CFRX, still on 6069.85 or so, Sept 6 at 2258 in the clear, no het, but as soon as news started at 2300, a slight het appeared, no doubt from CVC Chile as scheduled. It should only get worse as the evening progresses, and CVC builds up while CFRX loses out. The news was barely underway at 2301 when it was interrupted for a traffic report about the 401. Such irrelevancies could get old quick for CFRB`s now expanded continental audience (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. Ear-splitting whine is back, centered on 5800, extending up to 50 kHz either side! With cut numbers in middle, Sept 6 around 0615. The Cuban spy number service certainly has no qualms about being noticed, presumably since its code is believed to be unbreakable. Just another way Cuba messes up the spectrum with abandon. 

And the DentroCuban Jamming Command is still blasting its noise at WRMI 9955 while WORLD OF RADIO is on, in English, 2025 UT check Saturday Sept 6, so we were totally inaudible here. Same before and after 2300. It is beginning to seem that Arnie`s jamming pals have decided just to turn it on and leave it, rather than adjust jamming times only to block Cuban exile programs in Spanish, despite hours for those having been drastically reduced, as there is more English, religion, Saturdays at 2300 on the WRMI schedule.

Meanwhile, RHC itself was not jammed at all! On 11750, English `news` in progress at 2308, in yet another runover from scheduled 2300 closing of that frequency in other languages. 11750 was axually better than the only frequency supposed to be in English then, 9550, which had DWL ACI from 9545. But those engrossed in learning what is really going on in the world were abruptly abandoned when 11750 went off at 2309* This is getting to be more the rule than the exception (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** HONDURAS. HRMI back on the air in usual sporadic fashion, 3340, with a good signal at a time when propagation was pitiful on higher bands, SF = 65, Sept 6 around 0610 with OM preacher in English plus consecutive translation into Spanish by YL. As for what either of them was saying, I have no idea, as my ears glaze over whenever I am assaulted by such delusional characters so absolutely certain they have The Truth. If anything, his interpreter was even more so in her pronouncements (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. XEPPM, 6185, apparently on with carrier at least 5 minutes before 2300 Sept 6, as I was hearing a lo het with presumed RNA Brasil. At 2301 recheck, XEPPM well on top with Mexican anthem, 2301 sign-on in Spanish, and 2302 sign-on in English, plus program summary, but most or all of them are going to be in Spanish. Do they assume all listeners are bilingual? Each also gave e-mail of ondacorta @ radioeducacion.edu.mx and 2303 back into Spanish programming, a repeat from something on Friday giving Sept 5 date (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. RNV, 15250 via Cuba, Sat Sept 6 at 2314 in English, YL with tedious enumeration of constitutional articles concerning corruption, apparently trying to dismiss such charges against Chávez in the 1990s, made only worse by her didactic and heavy accent. A SAH of about 3 Hz was detectable during fades and bits of modulation from something else. Only possibility in Aoki and EiBi is CVC in Indonesian via Darwin, 290 degrees, 250 kW, exactly same parameters as RA being heard at same time on 9785; see AUSTRALIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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