[HCDX] Brother Stair comforts New Orleans
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[HCDX] Brother Stair comforts New Orleans

A timely example of why he's called Brother Scare

9385  USA  WWRB-The Overcomer  exceptional signal.  Just as Gustav was pounding on the Mississippi delta's door, I tuned in at 1345 to hear "Yay New Orleans, Yay New Orleans, Yay New Orleans!"   Then he asks "Did I have a premonition or what?"  'Scare' explains that several years ago (think he said 1987)  he had predicted that New Orleans was facing great trauma in coming years. Said the city would be hit by three hurricanrs.  Points out that Katrina was #1  Gustav is #2 and number three, he said, is out there.  Apparently referring to Hanna (sp).  Goes on to shout "Yay New Orleans!" three more times.
Very reassuring stuff.  I wonder what New Orleans needs the National Hurricane Center for?

(Bruce Barker, PA) 
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