[HCDX] Aug 29-30 Logs
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[HCDX] Aug 29-30 Logs

** MADAGASCAR. 5010, RTV Malagasy, 0200-0230, Aug 30, variety
of lite  instrumental music, choral music, local ballads. Brief announcements.
Weak  but readable. Reduced carrier USB. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** NIGER. 9705, LV du Sahel, Niamey, 2215-2245, Aug 29, French 
talk.  Variety of Afro-pops & French pops. Partially covered by India’s
test  tone starting at 2239 & their IS at 2243 completely covered Niger.
(Brian  Alexander, PA) 
**  SUDAN.(non). via SLOVAKIA. 15650, Miraya 101 FM, 1458-1515,
Aug  30, tune-in to African tribal music. Time pips & IDs at 1501
followed by  English news. Arabic talk at 1512. Weak but readable. 
Miraya 101 FM back  today. Only the normal IRRS programming heard 
on this frequency yesterday.  (Brian Alexander, PA) 
**  SUDAN.(non). via Sines, Portugal, 17690, Sudan Radio  Service,
1515-1530, Aug 30, tune-in to English “Lets Talk” program about  
marrage and divorce. IDs. Into Arabic at 1530. Poor in noisy conditions.  
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** THAILAND. 12120, Radio Thailand, 0052-0105, Aug 30, still here
with  English programming. English talk to 0058. Gongs & National 
Anthem at  0100 followed by IS & programming in listed Thai at 0102.  
Poor  under strong rtty station, but Thailand stronger than usual & able 
to  make out some program details. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

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