[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 28, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 28, 2008

** CHINA. Out-of-band Firedrake check Aug 28 found it still/again appearing on Sound of Hope channels, 14410 at 1341, and 9300 at 1343, along with many other regulars against RFA, VOA, Taiwan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Aug 28 at 0551 check, nothing but heavy jamming audible on 9955, during the scheduled 0530 UT Thu broadcast of WORLD OF RADIO on WRMI. What an advantage Our Friend in Habana, Arnie has in being able to jam the competition or anyone who dares to disagree with him!

Also noticed 7405 jamming against R. Martí, Aug 28 at 1312 was extending from 7395 to 7415. Remarkably, for being only 10 kHz away, WBCQ 7415 normally has no problem from the DentroCuban Jamming Command, but it would have if it were on at this hour, as it is permitted to be and occasionally has been with Brother Scare.

RHC check Aug 28: at 0549, noticed that both 6000 and 6140 in English were undermodulated and with hum; apparently a studio or feed link problem. Wiggle that patchcord! Roughly the same situation on 6000 at 1303, when they were promoting the evening`s Mesa Redonda at 2230 on 6000 and 9820, the subject of which would be the Democratic National Convention. What do the Cuban Commies know about democracy, and how can they cover it with a straight face? Might be an interesting take on the event.

Propagation was strange on 19m, with several good signals from Ascension to Turkey but RHC just barely audible on 15370 at 1339 Aug 28, much weaker than // 13680. WYFR 15130 was also weak. But 15370 slowly built up and by 1352 was of fair strength; however, transmitter cut off the air several times uncovering a weaker co-channel. 13680 was also intermittent, and weak 13760 I noticed was echoing with the other channels when they were on.

I was making a point of checking the 1400v frequency announcement again some weeks after the new channels 15360 and 15120 replaced 9550 and 11805. This time it was read live by the staccato M announcer, and was exactly the same as previously quoted, still giving the old and not new frequencies, and failing to make clear that 6000 goes off at 1400. 

Such esoteric matters as frequencies axually in use take a long time to filter down from the engineering department to the announcing department. Of course, if the announcers had any initiative, they would find out for themselves the correct info, or axually turn on a radio and monitor their own station! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. Have not heard VOI`s English hour at 1300 for some weeks, but must still be on 11784.9v as evidenced by barely audible het against VOA Chinese, which was atop Firedrake at 1340 UT check August 28 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Someone reported recently that WTJC had shifted from 9370 to 9365. Possibly, but still on 9370 when I checked Aug 28 at 1344 with Bible reading by Alex Scourby. 

BTW, I believe I referred to their slogan some time ago as ``Waiting Till Jesus Comes`` but it is really ``Working Till Jesus Comes`` as confirmed on their page
which also has some new(?) info about when WTJC and WBOH are not in English; I have added UT conversions:

``WTJC, which stands for "Working Till Jesus Comes." Currently, WTJC is operating 24 hours daily on 9370 kHz. WTJC broadcasts in English except for the following: 

Chinese programming is aired from 4:30 - 5:00 AM [0830-0900 UT], and Arabic programs can be heard from 11:00 - 11:30 PM local Eastern time [0300-0330 UT]. 

WBOH broadcasts around the clock on 5920 kHz in English except for two hours of Spanish music and messages which can be heard from 6:05 - 7:00 AM [1005-1100 UT] and 8:00 - 9:00 PM local Eastern time [0000-0100 UT].`` 

O my, the above does not match the full program schedules at http://www.fbnradio.com/about_us.htm which still show Russian M-F at 0635-0640 as we really ran across some weeks ago; Spanish at 1005 appears Sunday only and for 15 minutes, not 55; 0030 for 15 minutes too, only on UT Mondays. No Arabic. What are we to believe? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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