[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 11, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 11, 2008

** CUBA. RHC has shown up on two new frequencies in the 19 m band. As usual, only time will tell whether these are deliberate changes, tests, or some kind of mistake. Will Arnie explain it all on this week`s DXers Unlimited? Or course not! So my observations Aug 11:

On a bandscan around 1350 I noticed RHC missing from 9550, tho CRI relay was on with usual crummy modulation on 9570, and after 1400 same on 13740.

At 1409, next to the usual strong RHC Spanish on 15370, found a much weaker signal on 15360, and producing a het with something else, which per online skeds could only be TWR Swaziland in Urdu, but only until 1415. Could not determine which one was off-frequency. At first might think 15360 was a spur from 15370, and Voces de la Revolución audio was synchronized, but nothing on 15380 to match.

Checking the rest of 19m, found another new RHC frequency with same programming, 15120. This channel has been used for a long time by Habana but only for CRI relay in Spanish at 00-01. 15120 was a much stronger signal than 15360.

I then checked for all the scheduled RHC frequencies: 13760 weak and echoing with the others; 13680 VG; 12000; 11805 missing; 11760; 6000 inaudible and probably off as usual after 1400; 5025 Rebelde was JBA not //. So the transmitters missing from 9550 and 11805 account for the new frequencies 15120 and 15360.

Need to catch frequency announcement at 1402 to hear what channels they now claim to be using, but I bet they don`t know about the new ones in the studio. Monitored sign-off at 1455 and as usual they only mentioned the frequencies to be used when they come back at 8 pm hora de verano de Cuba, = 0000 UT: 13760, 11760, 11680, 9550, 9600, 5965, 6000, 6060, 6140, 6180. Like R. Moscow, RHC sees no point in listing the frequencies in order (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. RNGE, 6250, quite weak, but made out some Spanish, Aug 11 at 0606, much inferior signal to Sahara 6300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. VOI, 11784.9, making usual slightly varying het against 11785.0 stations, Aug 11 at 1355 with music, then closing English. VOI was somewhat stronger than the others so had the advantage. Recheck at 1453, no het and no QRM from 11785.0 stations, more music but surely VOI due to off-frequency. Indonesian (?) announcements and off abruptly at 1500:38*. Eibi says 14-15 in Indonesian, Aoki and WRTH July update say Malay[sian]. VOA Chinese via Thailand concludes at 1400, so VOI`s 1400 UT hour should be clear, unlike when it was on 9526, with CRI Russian on 9525. Except on weekends when WHRI is on 11785 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [and non]. RJNHKWN, 11705, Aug 11 at 1420 with what might have been an interesting feature about Japanese in Brasil who grow lacquer trees (er, whatever kind of wood they use for that --- never could catch the name), but marred by pre-echo direct from Yamata whenever the Sackville relay faded a bit, and it got worse as the semi-hour progressed. A triumph of reality over theory that the two could not possibly interfere with each other. If they insist on running two sites on one frequency, they should at least introduce a delay into the Yamata feed to match the satellite-delay feed to Sackville. As usual, closing announcement cut off at 1429 sharp for a minute of RCI IS and IDs, while Yamata could be heard underneath completing the sign-off until 1430* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. RNV, 11680 via Cuba, Mon Aug 11 at 1501 tune-in with English announcement, listing names of staff, and topix to be covered. Announcer`s own name sounded like María Eugenia Acer. RNV`s English is so stilted as to be laughable, obviously much-too-literally translated from Spanish. OK, we`re going to listen anyway. And then what? 1503 switches to Spanish for report on latest antix of Hugo Chávez, l’état, c`est lui. A sure way to lose the monolingual audience, who are given no idea of when English will resume, and why should they keep listening to incomprehensible Spanish in the meantime? VG signal, anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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