[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 10-11, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 10-11, 2008

** BRAZIL [and non]. Following reports of RNA varying from 6180, some saying 6185, others 6190, yet others 6188: When I checked Aug 10 at 2342 I measured it on 6188.12, using the 40-Hz-per-click method on the DX-398 compared to WWV, Portuguese obscuring a weak signal on 6185, Mexico? Also hetting and stronger than Serbia [non] on 6190. IRS had moved from 6185 to 6190 a few months ago to escape QRM, and now this! Maybe a further move to 6195 will be necessary. However, at 0105 recheck Aug 11, 6188+ was gone and 6190 English in the clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [non]. CRI via Sackville, 15260, Aug 10 at 1219 news in English had Chinese announcer referring to Haiti as a South American country. So geographical ignorance is not confined to the West (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CUBA. RHC, 11760, opening Sunday-only Esperanto, Aug 10 at 1501 giving full schedule for that language, including a new frequency for the 2330 Sunday broadcast to Central America. But I missed it. So checked at 2330 and found it on 5965, not 6140 as on the RHC website, nor on 9600 to SAm --- not found on any second 49, 31, 25 or 21 m frequency. 9600 just bore Vatican direct in Vietnamese. 5965 (and 9600) were already on the revised RHC sked in DXLD 8-084 of July 23. BTW, Esperanto also heard at 1937 when I turned the radio back on still tuned to 11760, as scheduled Sundays at 1930. Looking for info on the Esperanto pages of the RHC website is frustrating, as you are directed right off to stuff about the Cinco Héroes and other lame, overworked talking points. Esperanto is getting coöpted by default by the Commies, China being the other major SW broadcaster, much more so in fact, in that language five hours daily (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** NETHERLANDS [non]. No sign of RNW`s unscheduled English broadcast on 7245, 24 hours later, August 10 at 0300 or 0350 check. Propagation NVG but should be adequate. Anyone else hear it? Seems a little early in the morning for RN to be contemplating a new English broadcast to Africa, altho it`s 6-7 am EAT. Keep an ear on 7245 for a possible new relay client, clandestine or religious (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. Not only Saturday afternoons, but Sundays, REE has replaced stupid ballgames with great music, this time folk, as noted Aug 10 at 1939-2000. Said it came from a world music festival in Barcelona last year, usual VG reception direct on 15110, while 17595 collided with WEWN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SWEDEN [non]. Bill Schiller with closing item on R. Sweden via Canada, 15240, Aug 10 at 1455, prompted by China`s celebration of 08-08-08 etc., explained that Stockholm is referred to derisively in the rest of the country as ``08`` since that`s its telephone area code; also some musical excerpts, never enough time to play even a pop music piece all the way thru (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WBOH, 5920, normally 24 hours, missing at 0614 check Aug 10, but sister station WTJC 9370 was on and audible. 5920 was back at 0113 check Aug 11, and stronger than // 9370 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WCBD-TV, channel 2, 55260 kHz, Charleston SC, ID break in NBC Olympic coverage, Aug 10 at 1702 UT with news plug, http://www.counton2.com which merely forwards to their pop-up-infested homepage http://www.wcbd.com  Another sporadic E regular here since the 1960s, originally WUSN-TV, for quite a while during the WCBD years with ABC affiliation instead of NBC, and which will be gone for good when it stays on DTV channel 50. Remapping to 2 is just pretending and of no use to the sporadic E layer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. LV de la RASD, 6300, best heard in a long time, Aug 10 at 0619, easy listening with music sort of fusing western and local styles, and no sign of RHC mixing product, not even a SAH, tho its sources, 6060 and 6180 were on as usual. 0620 wakeup YL announcer with salaam-aleikums, etc., then OM talked a while, and 0625 back to more local music. Also looked for 6250 Equatorial Guinea, but no sign of it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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