[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs, August 9, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs, August 9, 2008

** ARGENTINA [and non]. It`s back to business as usual, RAE colliding with Morocco and off-frequency causing a het. Sat Aug 9 at 2027, Arab music was the modulation I was getting from 15345 Morocco, and the het was on the low side, approximately 15344.6 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. RA, 11660, which is favorable for us, 70 degrees from Shepparton at 20-22 UT, heard Aug 9 at 2035 with promos for Olympic coverage, said something about not heard in Asia due to contraxual obligations, except for short bulletins --- but would have a fuller Olympic report at 1:30 pm Suva time on the Pacific service. That`s 0130 UT, long after this frequency closes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. Altho it was QRM-free Aug 8, sure enough, on August 9, R. Cairo`s European service on 11550 is colliding once again with the reactivated WEWN [see USA]. At least Cairo has normalized its frequency very close to WEWN so there is no longer an audible heterodyne, and barely a subaudible one. But the two signals are roughly equal level here, first checked at 2033 with WEWN in Spanish and Cairo in French. Cairo`s deficient modulation levels make it the loser, however. Retuned at 2114 and found them still about even as Arab music concluded, timesignal 26.5 seconds late compared to WWV, and opening in English, under kidchoir from WEWN. K index at 21 UT was way up to 4, per WWV at 2118 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** HAWAII. KWHR, Aug 9 at 1321 as I tuned across 12130 had a screaming pro-Jesus, anti-Buddhist preacher in English. What`s wrong with Buddhism? Buddhists don`t reject Jesus, do they? Clearly this block is no longer something so relatively innocuous as LeSEA music fill shown on the Angel 3 schedule Saturday at http://www.whr.org/customcf/dsp_schedule_read.cfm?Search=Angel3

** NIGERIA. VON, 15120, Aug 9 at 2030, not bad signal or modulation in English news; recheck at 2050 and barely found a carrier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Brother Scare encountered on 13570, which is WINB, Aug 9 at 2032, running 13 seconds ahead of WWRB 9385. The ``graphical`` schedule, via http://www.overcomerministry.org/content/view/347/107/ 
is, as always, full of misinformation, e.g. still showing WBCQ 5110 and 9330 in use, which were axually dropped at Julyend; and ``WINB`` at 5-6 pm = 21-22 UT on 11520! Which as we reported weeks ago was really DTK/MB Germany relay. I think it has been canceled too; WINB has never used this frequency. However it does show WINB on 13570 at 2-3 pm (EDT), but not when I heard him there, two hours later. O, the companion ``printable`` schedule, which never matches the other one, specifies this is until 5 pm (2100 UT) on Saturdays, so that covers it. God may be perfect, but not His Last Day Prophet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. REE, as usual good signal and modulation direct from Noblejas on 17595, Sat Aug 9 at 2018 with some Vivaldi in a classical music hour, way over co-channel reactivated WEWN; certainly not the scheduled program, Tablero Deportivo, all the way from 16 to 22 UT on Saturdays. I assume Olympic rights are lacking so had to fill on SW with something else, an unexpected benefit (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Surprised to hear VOA concluding Music Time in Africa, Sat Aug 9 at 2059 on 11720. The sign-off announcement referred listeners to an American Cultural Center or ``US Information Service in your country`` --- do those still exist? And there was no Yankee Doodle or any other music; carrier stayed on until 2102:30* 

I had assumed this transmission was in French Sat & Sun, coördinated with Hausa M-F on same channel, but French at 2030 Sat/Sun is on 5 other frequencies, not this one, per VOA by-language schedule which under English to Africa does show 11720 at 2030-2100 Sat/Sun. So it pix up the last half of MTIA, which is better than nothing. On Hausa weekdays the site is Greenville, with the expected strong signal, but this was pretty good too and I doubt it was São Tomé (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Altho earlier on Aug 9, only two WEWN transmitters were back on, at 1758 check I found the English frequency 15855 also on the air. And at 2115, 11550 was back on clashing with Cairo; see EGYPT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Almost daily sporadic E openings at least to 60 MHz are holding up well into August. At 1701 UT Aug 9, during NBC Olympic coverage which did not break for a proper ID at hourtop, I was fortunately looking directly at the lower left corner of the TV screen tuned to 61260 kHz, video of channel 3, 60-66 MHz and saw a split-second supered ID for WSAV-TV, which is exactly what I expected it to be, a common catch here from Savannah, in the Georgia safe from Russian invasions. Their DTV is on channel 39 and will stay there post-transition, as we bid goodbye to a prime TVDX skipper, one sesquimegameter away, seen countless times since 1961 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


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