[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 5-6, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 5-6, 2008

** ANGUILLA [and non]. No sign of DGS, 11775, Aug 6 at 1221 or 1323, just Firedrake. From past experience, we must not jump to any conclusions that Caribbean Beacon has broken down permanently, it is getting so irregular. Believe it was on 6090 as usual the night before, and it could have been on 6090 now tho inaudible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** AUSTRALIA. 17830 with some non-jammed Chinese, Aug 6 at 0530; listed as CVC Darwin (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. VOA Korean service, 11740 via Philippines, usually good here for the American song segment, but as that ended 1318 August 5, it was suffering co-channel in Chinese. Are the Chicom helping out the Chocom with defacto jamming? This is apparently CNR2, scheduled 11-16 on 11740 via Lingshi site, 100 kW at 286 degrees, which BTW per EiBi is shown as in English during this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. Late-night opening on 16m, August 6 at 0528 brought RFA Tinian in Chinese on 17880 // 17615, slightly unsynchronized with an reverb between them, mixing with Firedrake.

Only far out of band Firedrake found between 8 and 18 MHz after sunrise Aug 6 was 10250, both at 1212 and 1323 recheck, presumably against Sound of Hope. One can only conclude that all the SOH operations OOB with tiny Taiwan ham transmitters serve only to tie up some jammers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. R. Rebelde, normally a loud and clear signal on 5025 belying its alleged NVIS antenna, Aug 5 at 0549 and for at least several minutes thereafter, was nothing but a big hum, with traces of modulation. Wiggle that patchcord! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GABON. ANO, 17630, once again Aug 5 had built up to a good signal by 1400, but unlike the day before, continued with music past 1400, finally talk in French at 1404. So much for news on the hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA [and non]. VOI again dominating 11785, but not enough to avoid QRM, especially since it`s responsible for making a het from 11784.9 or so: Aug 6 at 1216 in Indonesian hour when the problem was mainly Firedrake on 11785.0, talking about Mahendra and korrupsi. At 1217 Suara Indonesia ID and YL with This Day in History feature on Aug 6 being Independence Day for Jamaica, and then something about Nueva Granada, = Colombia/Venezuela/Ecuador, mentioning Bogotá, Santa Fé, and Simón Bolívar. A brief side-tune to RHC in Spanish on 11760 found them also saluting Jamaica! Recheck at 1306 when 11784.9 was in English news, still dominant but with that awful self-inflicted het while nearby frequencies such as 11770, 11790, 11795 were vacant. 1307:30 commentary on eradicating corruption, 1311 This Day in History about --- you guessed it, Jamaican independence, where Liz is still Queen (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 15530 with Qur`an, Aug 6 at 0533, then into Spanish about the ``amigos de Alá``, fair with flutter. Then gave complete schedule of Spanish broadcasts including this one for NAf/SEu, also on 17785 where there was a barely audible signal; mailing address, spanishradio@xxxxxxxx 15530 is 289 degrees from Kamalabad. There were lots of other signals on 15 and 17 MHz, not so many on 11, 12 and 13 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN. NHKWNRJ in English on 9625, August 6 at 1207 making 5 Hz SAH atop poor CBCNQ, // 9695, 165 and 240 degrees respectively from Yamata (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MAURITANIA. R. Mauritanie is sporadic, and could not hear it around 0600 August 6 on 4845. Then Chris Greenway reports that a coup is in progress, so worth looking for this or daytime frequency 7245. Coincidentally, the July/August issue of Saudi Aramco World has an excellent illustrated and audible article about the history of the station; see DXLD 8-089 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 9690, Aug 4 at 2202, good signal with tonal language, and nothing on 7255, so I suspect it was VON on 9690 by mistake, especially since it cut off abruptly at 2206. Earlier around 2040 I tuned past 15120 which I assumed was VON. WRTH May update had them on 15120 in English until 21, then 7255 in French 21-22, 7255 in Hausa 22-23 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. RRI`s new 300 kW Continental transmitter at Galbeni was doing well on 15220, Aug 6 at 1226 in English to Europe but also toward us farther on. Nice clear modulation for a change, about a museum in Bucharest. 1230-1233 brief Romanian lesson about vacationing on the Black Sea coast. 1233 pick of the week(?). 1239 Romanian musician playing Beethoven on piano. Seems their broadcast is made up of a string of mini-features. Problem was some RTTY on the hi side about 15223, which has no business inside the 19m SWBC band, but evitable by tuning to the lo side. 15220 at 12-13 was previously registered as Tiganeshti site at 307 degrees. Signal comparable to Turkey 15450, Bulgaria 15700 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. Tuned across 5945 at 1159 August 6 just as Bible Voice was IDing in English, with addresses, and now with its own website, http://www.biblevoice.org and 1200 into Mandarin. Per Aoki, on Wednesdays this is amid a Chinese block from 1130 to 1215, via Khabarovsk, 100 kW, 218 degrees. It was squeezed by Magadan in Russian on 5940, Okeechobee in English on 5950.

On 5970, Aug 6 at 1157, SAH against very undermodulated Costa Rica, and typical intermittent Russian tune-up tones, 1201 recheck YL in Korean and Family Radio theme. This is YFR via Komsomol`sk/Amure, 250 kW at 213 degrees  (Glenn hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. BSKSA, 15380, qontinuous Qur`an, Aug 6 from 1245 to 1300, then timesignal about one second fast, news in Arabic. Is Rihyadh, 310 degrees, intended to go no further than Turkey at 12-14, but reliably onward toward NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** THAILAND. DRM on 17835-17840-17845, Aug 6 at 0530. This is BBC, testing? 35 kW, 25 degrees at 0300-0600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WRNO, 7505, continues sporadic or on limited schedule; UT Aug 5 at 0100 check, not on the air, but it was running with music at 0325 recheck. Also Aug 6 at 0229 ID, 0230 peacher. If anyone finds a definite program or transmission schedule, let us know (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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