[HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, Aug. 4-5
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[HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, Aug. 4-5

3925, JAPAN, R.Nikkei Tokyo-Nagara, 0928-0946, Aug 5, Japanese. Mx at t/in; various ancrs at BoH; mx bridge at 0933 followed by long talk by M ancr w/ occasional W ancr; mx bridge at 0946 & more talk; poor-f/out; //6055 a bit better. (Barbour-NH)

4920, INDIA, AIR Chennai, 0051-0104, Aug 4, vernacular. W ancr briefly b/w Hindi mx bits; tentative ID at 0052 & again at 0100 followed by news; M ancr from 0104 b/w mx bits; poor-f/out by t/out. (Barbour-NH)

5240, TIBET, Xizang PBS Lhasa, 2316-2332, Aug 4, listed Tibetan. M & W ancr; W over mx bit at 2317 followed by long talk by M ancr thru BoH; poor but better than //4920; nothing noted on //4905. (Barbour-NH)

7505, USA, WRNO New Orleans-LA, 0150-0202, Aug 5, English. Ballads; ID ancment at ToH "You are listening to WRNO worldwide on 7505 kHz broadcasting from New Orleans, Louisiana..."; W ancr w/ nx headlines until mx returns at 0202; good. (Barbour-NH)

9575, MOROCCO, R.Mediteranee Nador, 2252-2305, Aug 4, Arabic. AR mx at t/in; ID at 2301 followed by nx; fair. (Barbour-NH)

9580, GABON, presumed Afrique No. 1 Moyabi, 1951-2016, Aug 4, French. 2 M w/ FF talk at t/in, battling w/ co-channel station IDed as R.Australia by IS at 1958; Gabon in the clear 
w/ talk ; pips at ToH followed by lengthy interview b/w 2 M; fair at best; no discernible ID 
noted. (Barbour-NH)

11625, THAILAND, R.Thailand Udon Thani, 1300-1315*, Aug 4, listed Japanese. Carrier noted at listed s/on; mx at 1302 followed by W ancr until different ancr at 1314 w/ very weak ID & distinct IS; poor-weak. (Barbour-NH)

11790, ROMANIA, R.Romania Int'l Galbeni, *0000-0016, Aug 6, English. New 300kw Continental txmitter w/ IS; ID & URL at s/on; W ancr w/ "Radio Newsweek" prg re Romanian economic growth; investment opportunities along the Danube; ID at 0110; "Business Press" prg re Romanian banking sector; fair-good w/ occasional prop QRN. (Barbour-NH)

11990, KUWAIT, presumed R.Kuwait Sulaibiyah, 2017-2033, Aug 4, English. Continuos pop, rap & ballads thru BoH; no ID noted; fair. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, NH-USA


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