[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 23-24, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 23-24, 2008

** CHINA. Bandscanning for Firedrake, July 24 at 1257, found it not on 8000 as a few days ago but instead on 8020, good signal // 7280, 11665, etc. At 1300 went to open carrier, during which no trace of Sound of Hope could be heard here, 1305:30 resumed FD, but gone at 1323 recheck (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. CRI`s Esperanto service coming in well on 11650, July 24 at 1328, talking about, what else, La Pekinaj Olimpikoj, real Chinese clips with voice-overs in Mandarin-accented Esperanto, k.t.p. Per Aoki, at 13-14 UT this is Beijing site at 215 degrees. That`s close to directly off the back from CNAm, which would be 35 degrees. Per EiBi, the // frequency is 9440 from another site, unchecked. I noticed that there was less flutter-fading on 11650 than there was on Firedrake 11665. BTW, penultimate stress is mandatory in Esperanto, but it sounded like ``Olímpikoj``, something which those influenced by natural languages must always beware of (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CHINA. 5955, July 24 at 1237, M&W interview in English, not // RA 6020, and didn`t think to check CRI frequencies for //, but per Aoki:

5955 CHINA R INTER 1200-1257 1234567 English   500 95 Beijing CHN 
11627E 3957N CRI a08 
But that also lists from a slightly different Beijing site:
5955 CNR 8         1200-1300 1234567 Mongolian 100 15 Beijing 491 CHN 
11625E 3955N CNR8 a08 

Which seems extremely unlikely, that both would be operational; I did have some co-channel QRM, tho 5950 WYFR was more of a problem (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. V. of the People, clandestine from S to N Korea, 6518 with talk in Korean // 6600. The latter had rapid pulse jamming but 6518 was clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Since XEXQ told Julián Santiago that they are still on the air, I looked for it again July 24 at 1243 when the noise level was lower than usual. I could detect a carrier a smidgen on the hi side of 6045, but no modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Looking for the unID African music on 5050, July 23 at 2255, WWRB was already on the air with preacher. Supposedly scheduled from 0000, but definitely after 2300; does it really start at 2200? That would be ``6 pm`` EDT rather than CDT in their ambiguous schedule. The night before, WWRB was also off the air before 0500 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. It`s unusual to hear WRMI, especially when the DentroCuban Jamming Command is grinding away on 9955, but July 24 at 1253, WRMI was about equal level to the jamming with a speaker talking urgently about ``Cuba Libre``. 1327 recheck, only jamming heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. Prompted by an erroneous log of VOA 9815 in Portuguese as Botswana, I checked this transmission July 24 at 1823: VG signal so can`t be Botswana but instead Greenville as currently scheduled. Sign-off lasted until 1831, and carrier stayed on until 1834:30. I had the BFO on to notify me when it quit, and then I could also hear a just barely audible carrier on 9815. That`s also VOA, in French via Madagascar, both to exactly the same West African target areas. But if the VOA Greenville signal is making it there during the first half of the hour, it must also be interfering with the VOA Madagascar signal during the second half which of course starts promptly at 1830, if not a minute before with its own sign-on. In such a case, there should be DCI (drop carrier immediately) and/or CS (crash-start). This is one of many cases now where VOA sites serving the same target area unnecessarily change abruptly, and steps are not taken to avoid
 self-interference! Another example is 17530 where the first half of the English hour is Greenville, the second half Thailand, also with a monitored overlap.

BTW, 9815 has quite a convoluted VOA schedule at 1630-2130 per EiBi:

9815 1630-1730       USA Voice of America SWA EAf /BOT Swahili Botswana
9815 1730-1800       USA Voice of America P   EAf /D-L Port. Lampertheim
9815 1800-1830 Mo-Fr USA Voice of America P   WAf g    Port. Greenville
9815 1830-1900       USA Voice of America F   WAf /MDG French Madagascar
9815 1900-2030       USA Voice of America F   CAf /BOT French Botswana
9815 2030-2100 SaSu  USA Voice of America F   WAf g    French Greenville
9815 2030-2100 Mo-Fr USA Voice of America HA  WAf /BOT Hausa Botswana
9815 2100-2130 Mo-Fr USA Voice of America F   CAf /BOT French Botswana

A year ago, the 1730-1800-1830 Portuguese and the 2030-2100 Hausa were via Morocco, but who needs that? Lampertheim and Greenville were simply plugged in as substitutes, surely inferior ones to W Africa.

Furthermore at 1630-1700, 9815 now collides with BBC via Oman in Sinhala, which makes one wonder how much co-channel QRM there be in those respective target areas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. One of the better, or I should say few signals above 15410, July 24 at 1731 was on 15760, talk in a language with lots of o-umlauts, but certainly not German, so is it Turkish? Yes! Eibi shows this as YFR via Woofferton at 17-19. Still fair signal at 1816. BTW, CL, there is nothing wrong with well-informed `list-logging` such as this for major broadcasters, where you are never going to hear a local site ID anyway. However if later shown to be mistaken, a correxion will certainly be forthcoming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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