[HCDX] WRNO on the air! Testing
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[HCDX] WRNO on the air! Testing

** U S A. Tuned in 15590 at 1938 July 18 to hear strong open carrier with slight whine, then tone test faded up. Level increased briefly before 1944 and then cut off at 1945* *1946 back on with open carrier, 1947 tone fading up and down again. Cut off again at 1950* So far, no announcements or IDs. It`s off-frequency, more like 15590.4.

If current registrations are to be believed, this is WRNO, New Orleans, on the air finally after years and years of delays, under new ownership as 15590 is for it in A-08 since KTBN went dark.

Perhaps someone familiar with what`s going on at WRNO can confirm. Or Caribbean Beacon, Anguilla, since they reportedly got the old KTBN transmitter which operated on 15590, but it seems unlikely they would use that frequency again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

We may be in the skip zone here in Central Mississippi since New
Orleans is about 200 Miles from us but I tuned to 15590 and it was
essentially dead air.

I checked the WRNO Worldwide web site and there was nothing about a
program schedule and they were still trying to get donations to fix
the transmitter and tower.

If they are testing the transmitter and antenna, someone ought to know
what is going on (Richard Lewis, 2132 UT July 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

By the time my message went out, they had gone off at 1950, and not come back; I left a receiver running on 15590 past 2230.

We would normally be in the 15 MHz skip zone from NOLA, but sporadic E was in play as WWCR, 15825, about the same distance, was also in well

Hi Glenn! Thanks for the note. So I just got off the phone with Janet Mawire (the owner's wife). She confirms that they have been performing preliminary transmitter tests. Janet states that they will be performing test broadcasts with audio by the end of next week. Thanks again, (Dan Brown, W1DAN, http://www.danbrown.tv July 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Hi Glen[n]: After seven years I am happy to confirm that WRNO is back on the air. Right now they are putting the transmitter through its final adjustments and tuning. During next week the required testing should be completed and the FCC Form 310 will be filed. Regular programming is planned to begin on August 1. They plan to use 7505 kHz at night and 15590 kHz by day. But, they may have a very limited broadcast station for a while. 73, (George Jacobs, P.E., July 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

I wonder what their programming will consist of. It'd be great to hear "The Rock of the World" return about 25 years after I first found it on my junky Heathkit receiver. 73, de (Nate Bargmann, KS, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Nate, I'm afraid that's ancient history. Have seen many postings here they are bound to be a religious station. Just went to 7505 after 2300. Something is there but for its weakness I can't tell is WRNO testing. 73 (Raúl Saavedra, Costa Rica, ibid.)

Nothing here around 2317, but may be on and off like 15590 (gh, DXLD)


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