[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 16-17, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 16-17, 2008

** CANADA. Starting to check out how clear 7850 is, CHU`s planned new frequency this summer. July 17 at 0557 it was OK but lite roar from some ute centered on 7845 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake on 8000.0, July 16 at 1246, so Sound of Hope must have been on this frequency; not listed in Aoki. 1304 recheck, open carrier, 1304:30 Fireddrake resuming, 1343 check, nothing.

FD on 11590 at 1344 July 16, along with poor 11665, and quite strong signals on some of the usuals, 11785, 11990, 12040, 15285. Per Aoki, 11590 target is RFA in Tibetan via Kuwait, 12-14.

Next day July 17 at 1317 no Firedrake Curtain on 8000, but yes on 9180, probably another SOH popup, not in Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. DentroCuban Jamming Command against nothing: July 16 at 1255-1300+ on 9490, lite grinding, no pulsing, in standby mode, as R. República/Sackville has ruined this frequency by using it for one hour at 1000. At 1342 recheck, 9490 had both pulsing and grinding.

9805 with pulse jamming against non-Martí, July 16 at 1303.

11775 with grinding at 1346 July 16, against non-Martí, under Defunct Gene Scott, Anguilla, also hit by N. Korean spur het 11776v.

RHC spur in Spanish on 9530, July 16 at 1257, presumably from 9550, caused by CRI relay transmitter on 9570, whose audio you would expect on 9530. 9570 itself had some intermittent buzzes; 9530 still at 1340 long after 9600 closed at 1259.

July 17 at 1321, pulse jamming again on 9490 and 9640 República frequencies hours away from when they are axually in use. Before 1300 was also grinding on 9515 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Gone again: RNGE, 6250, heard a few nites before around 0600, missing July 17. Easy to find frequency, 1000 kHz below Vatican 7250 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. VOI, 9526, back to barely detectable carrier July 16 at 1341, but with an equally weak het from something on 9525, nothing listed during this hour on 9525 by Aoki or Eibi, unlike before 1300 and after 1400.

Much better next day July 17 on 9526, 1259 opening English with program summary, 1300 news. Low-level hum not too bothersome, no het. And no noise problem for a change, tho signal fadey and not too solid. Major problem now is the accents of the announcers. Concentrate as I may, I can only understand a fraxion of what they say. 1312 Focus. 1319 something about UNESCO World Heritage Sites, news in brief ending at 1320 ID, Indonesian Wonders, 1325 Miscellany segment, 1331 Music Corner, contemporary Indonesian variety including gamelans. Plugged website several times during the hour. Het from China 9525 starts promptly at 1357 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH. KCBS, 9665.3, peppy NK choral music, before bedtime there, reminding one what a privilege it is to live in the people`s paradise, July 17 at 1236-1248+. No roar or het, but still off-frequency. Same on 11679.7 where there was a het from something on 11680.0 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Pastor Pete Peters audible weakly with ute QRM on 8590, July 16 at 1247 // WWCR 9980. How come? It`s 1390 kHz away, i.e. mixing with one of my locals, KCRC and thus not audible elsewhere (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9500, constant-pitch tone tests alternating continuously with audio sweeps from low to high, never high to low, 1252-1300* July 16. Also July 17 at 1315, off around 1330. Have not caught it opening or closing in case there`s an ID: fat chance. You sometimes hear MW stations checking out their equipment this way, but what`s this? And is it a broadcaster or a utility? Pretty good signal, unseems Asiatic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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