[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 12-15, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 12-15, 2008

** CANADA. CBC NQ must be almost on-frequency today, 9625.0, since it has a SAH of only 4 Hz, slightly fluxuating, with co-channel QRM, July 15 at 1302 in CBC news. Could not make out language of QRM, but it should be FEBC Manila in Hmong, tho would not rule out Channel Africa in Lozi by long-path (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. DentroCuban Jamming Command still showing its incompetence or total disregard for civilized norms, in running jammers when there is nothing to block, except innocent bystanders, July 15 at 0555 on 9515, 9565, 6100, pulsing and grinding.

A while ago someone reported Spain on 11680 with no mention of QRM de Cuba, so I check July 15 at 0113, and RHC is very strong there, way over REE, both in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTNEING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. July 15 at 0559 found fair signal, S9+20, 43343 on 6250 in Spanish, a language always fun to hear from Africa. Mentioned Guinea Ecuatorial, but 0600 song instead of news. Suffered from intermittent but frequent SSB and pulse QRM, what you get for broadcasting in a utility band. Finally at 0606:30 a 5-pip time signal, so their studio clock is somewhat slow, some other music, noticias interrupted by several different sounders. Finally at 0608:30 titulares (headlines), but additional QRM of a continuous roar-sound starts, maybe from own transmitter, so I quit (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. VOI, 9526 signal improved July 15 at 1258 check ending Indonesian hour with Suara Indonesia ID, IS; 1259 into English with IS and ID claiming 9525, 11785, 15150, http://www.voi.co.id How can a SW station have no clear link to its transmission schedule on its home page?? First speaker was M with American accent, then W with Indonesian accent, program summary, 1300 news sounder and headlines by a third announcer, M with Indo accent; S9+15 versus my local hi line noise level was not sufficient to copy it without strain (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. Re previous report, no one asked me, WTFK? about this item. The frequency was 11740, and BTW, HFCC says both hours are via Philippines, not first hour via Thailand as in Aoki:

```Lovely rendition of ``Beautiful Dreamer`` in English by tenor and plucked instrument, July 10 at 1314, tnx to the VOA Korean service, outroed by announcement in that language at 1318. This usually has good signal here, far from the target, since it is the Thailand relay at 38 degrees during this hour; the second hour at 14-15 switches to Philippines at 21 degrees, per Aoki. Why aren`t these transmissions jammed?``` 

I log this again on July 15 at 1308, but now the damned `bonker` is pounding away centered on 11740 but extending +/- 10, ruining VOA reception, maybe not so in target since I suspect it`s close to North America, but has no business in the middle of a broadcast band! VOA was // 5890, but furthermore this time there was co-channel broadcast QRM on 11740. Several possibilities in Aoki: most likely Japan via Singapore in Chinese; or CNR2 via Xian in English; even Vatican in Spanish. Once again at 1315 it must be time for a nice inspirational song on VOA Korean, this time John-Denverish ``You Raise Me Up`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15665, July 12 at 2157 with SAH between WHRI preacher closing his show, and WEWN already on with carrier, 2158 WEWN choir starts chanting as WHRI signs off, announcing QSY to 9615. Christians vs Christians! (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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