[HCDX] log Mon
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[HCDX] log Mon

Peru, 4774.98, Radio Tarma, 1019-1030 Very weak signal here as a male comments in Spanish language. Not a solid signal but it's there. Incidently, CODAR is back on this band. I am thinking that the reason I didn't hear CODAR the other day was because conditions were so bad and it wasn't fading in here in Florida. So in the future, I can expect not to hear CODAR when conditions are bad, and when conditions are good and I should hear my DX favorites, then CODAR will also be blasting in to block them.
"Ain't this fun?"  (Chuck Bolland, July 14, 2008)

Peru, 4835.51, Radio Maranon, 1028-1035  Noted a male and female in Spanish
language comments here. At 1032, music heard. Signal was poor at this time.
(Chuck Bolland, July 14, 2008)

Bolivia, 6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 1035-1045, In here with music for a minute, then a male and female comment in Spanish language then back to music. Signal was good. I can always count on R. Santa Cruz to be reasonably readable when conditions are good. Today was no exception, their signal was at a good level.
(Chuck Bolland, July 14, 2008)

Unident, 5996.31, 1039-1052 Noted a male in Spanish language comments. This signal is threshold and being pounded with splatter. This might be Radio Melodia
from Peru or Radio Loyola from Bolivia. Both have been reported here.
If I had to make a choice, I'd go with Melodia, but not today.
Melodia isn't on their regular frequency of 5939.28 KHz this morning and
I haven't heard them there for awhile (days).  By 1052 their signal is
becoming irregular due to fading.  (Chuck Bolland, July 14, 2008)

Clewiston, Florida

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