[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 5-6, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 5-6, 2008

** CUBA [non]. No sign of R. República, July 5 at 2333 on 6135, just DentroCuban jamming command. Usually one can at least detect RR is there, but the proportion of programming audible vs jamming varies considerably. Tuned to its next scheduled frequency, 6155, at 2357 just after Spain had closed, and it was clear. 0000 July 6 jamming became detectable and gradually built up, but no trace by 0016 of RR here either. 

Propagation? Other European signals were making it, at 2342 check, such as 6055 Spain, 6075 DW/Portugal, 6190 Bosnia. I also looked for RR on 5940, which had been added a few weeks ago to 6135; nothing on 5940 at 2340 but lite jamming pulses, and after 2400 blown away by extreme crackling from WWCR/DGS 5935. Also checked 6185 in case RR had jumped there as a previous alternative, but no. However, RR was very strong at 0209 check on 6100. So why weren`t they audible on the previous two channels? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CZECHIA [and non]. This is not news, but something which should have been fixed long ago. Since I have run across it again, I am reported it again: July 3 at 2345, R. Praga Spanish via Sackville badly mixing with R. Habana Cuba with speech in Spanish by some Commie, // 9820.

In HFCC listings, there is no conflict since Cuba refuses to participate. But strangely, in Aoki you would not think there is a conflict either, as the Prague broadcast is missing and RHC is shown as M-F only at 23-01 on 6000, but this was Saturday. And it could be a 3-way clash on Sundays only with Varna, Bulgaria greeting the sea, also on 6000. Hello --- is nobody paying attention? Sackville could easily move to some other 49m frequency for this semihour broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. VOI absent from 9526, Saturday July 5 at 1255 check and also after 1300, when English had been airing for the previous two days (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. World of Haiku, sub-program on NHK World Radio Japan`s World Interactive program, is still running, heard on the UT Sunday following the first Saturday, July 6 at 0007-0017 on 6145 via Sackville, the final repeat. Haiku guy seems to be named Shakan, and he concluded by telling of his recent visit to Italy for a conference about haiku, renku, and some other literary mode, where he had a very good time and good seafood. Listeners, including several in the USA, send in short pieces which he improves or reworx into proper haiku format. In English, or Japanese which he then translates. Should be back first Saturday in August, if not skipping a month for vacations as happens to so many RJ programs. BTW, NHK how has a 7-digit postal code, 150-8001 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. Music on RNW`s Dutch service, yay. But once again it`s not Dutch and not classical: July 5 at 2353 tuned in 11970 via Bonaire to hear love duet in English, sounds like Diana Ross and Lionel Ritchie, with electronic instrument accompaniment, but abruptly cut off incomplete at 2356 for sign-off in Dutch and NA. What is the point of doing this?

RNW was to change from 9895 to 7325 on July 5 for the 00-02 UT Spanish broadcast via GUIANA FRENCH, ex-9895, to improve reception in S America --- guess the midwinter MUF is just too low down there.

But, it didn`t. UT July 6 at 0003 still on 9895, nothing on 7325. Change of plans, or asleep at the switch in Montsinéry? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. WQCL720, the TIS at Great Salt Plains State Park, NW of Enid on 1610 kHz is still running a loop including info about the selenite crystal digging area as if it were open to the public this summer, despite the fact that it is still closed to the public until at least 2009, following the uncovering of toxic vials in 2007. Loop also cuts to relay of Enid`s NWS 162.475 MHz station every few minutes, but virtually unintelligible as not tuned in properly. We were in the area July 5, 2008 on an aquarian expedition to the artesian spring nearby.

The lady at Park HQ was unaware of the selenite problem with the TIS, as she hasn`t listened to it in ages and thinx the feds are responsible for it, anyway, i.e. the adjacent National Wildlife Refuge. Yet there are signs all over the park telling people to tune to 1610. Unwary selenite-hunters have a right to be upset about such absolutely wrong info being propagated. And collapsible shovels for the purpose are still on sale for $9 near the front door of the visitor center. See our previous items about this in DXLDs 7-050, 6-142, 6-140, 6-104 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. VOR`s motorboating transmitter, 7300, July 5 at 2330, unintelligible audio, just put-putting with rapidly fluxuating frequency. Portuguese scheduled during this hour from Serpukhov, per Aoki, Moscow per WRTH update. This has been going on for years, and in B-seasons on 5900 instead. Such incompetence! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Attention those who keep track of all SW broadcasts in French. There is now one on WWRB, as Saturday July 5 at 2335 I was hearing preaching in French, 2336 into ``Faith of Our Fathers`` with French lyrix, but overridden by spoken contact info including a postal address in Tennessee. Rather distorted audio. O yes, 

``This Transmitter has been Leased to the Treasure of Truth Broadcast, Altamont, TN``, says the WWRB website, at 6 pm - midnight, timezone not specified, and no further details about programming within, let alone language(s). It`s allegedly at 150 degrees with a ``dual feed wide spaced yagi`` for South America, but plenty strong here westward from Morrison (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WWCR, 5935 with DGS service, July 6 after 0000 was suffering from extreme crackling making it unlistenable, and severely interfering with adjacent channels. Recurring unfixed satellite antenna aiming problem, I assume, at Los Ángeles and/or Nashville.

WWCR, 5070, July 5 at 2335 was accompanied by a roaring noise peaking at the sidebands around 5062 and less so on 5078 where there was ute interference. The sound also audible when tuned to center frequency 5070 underneath program modulation, which per June 3 sked is ``Repairer of the Breach``. Some crud on the program feed line, which should not be SW transmitted? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15120-15140, seems like OTH radar, continuous, but lower-pitched sound varying slightly as if it is going thru phases. In the clear on 15120 and 15140, but mixing with WYFR Spanish on 15130, July 5 at 2252. Since it was fading independently of WYFR I assume it was not coming out of the WYFR transmitter itself as would be the first impression, unlike WWCR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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