[HCDX] LOGS- 01-02 July
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[HCDX] LOGS- 01-02 July

Bolivia, 3310, 2340-2352,  R Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba Jul 1 Woman speaking in Spanish, typical musics with flutas. SINPO 45333 (CAJ). 

BOLIVIA, 4410, 0002-0010, R. Echoes, Reys Jul 2 Woman speaking in Spanish, information on the hours, in Bolivia 20:05. SINPO 44333 (CAJ). 

BOLIVIA, 4699, 0202-0016, R. San Miguel, Riberalta Jul 2 Musics in Spanish, feminine voice. SINPO 34222 (CAJ). 

BOLIVIA, 4732, 0018-0024, R. Universitaria, Cobija Jul 2 Man speaking in Spanish, notice on Brazilian music. SINPO 35333 (CAJ). 

PERU, 4750, 0025-0034, R.Huanta 2000, Huanta Jul 2 Man speaking in Spanish, on soccer for devoid children. QRM R. Imaculada Conceição, C. Grande Brazil. SINPO 43444 (CAJ). 

PERU, 4775, 0036-0039, R. Tarma, Tarma Jul 2 Woman singing pretty song in Spanish, flutes and chorale. SINPO 35433 (CAJ). 

EQUATOR, 4790, 0040-0045, R. Atlantis, Iquitos Jul 2 Musics in Spanish. SINPO 35333 (CAJ). 

EQUATOR, 4824, 0047-0051, woollen LV Forest, Iquitos Jul 2 Man speaking in Spanish, much QRN in this frequency. SINPO 22222 (CAJ). 

Cleiber A. Jr., Cons. Lafaiete MG, Brazil.

Kenwood R-1000

Ext. Loop/60m

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