[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 22-26, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 22-26, 2008

** CHINA. 9855, June 25 at 1223 Chinese W&M conversing, with slight echo, which I associate with short path/long path. The only thing scheduled per Aoki is:

9855 CHINA RADIO INTER. 1200-1257 1234567 Chinese 500 215 Beijing CHN 
9855 CHINA RADIO INTER. 1300-1357 1234567 Chinese 500 215 Beijing CHN 11627E 3957N CRI a08 

How pleasant to find a Chinese-language station which is not subject to Firedrake jamming! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non] June 25 at 1231 on 17705 heard some weak S Asian singing, occasionally spiking up to listenable level. Aoki lists:

17705*ALL INDIA RADIO 1145-1315 1234567 Chinese 500 58 Bangalore IND 7713E 1314N AIR a08

And I was not hearing Firedrake, which is the usual case, as the paranoid Chicom don`t allow India to speak to China, signified by the asterisk. However, at 1321 recheck there was Firedrake, weaker than // 17565 against V. of Tibet. No AIR or anything else is supposed to be on 17705 after 1315, so is there something new to be jammed or just faded up in meantime and overrunning? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. Hi Jeff, Nothing but heavy jamming on 9955 last night (UT Thursday June 26) 0530. Is WORLD OF RADIO still on then or have you changed to a Cuban program? (Glenn to Jeff White, WRMI, via DXLD)

Glenn: WOR is still on then, but of course that's going south. Interestingly, I got an e-mail from Sheryl Paszkiewicz in Wisconsin saying she had very good reception of 9955 last night at 0200, and recently reception has been good there of 9955 in the evenings -- which I thought was interesting since that's on the southern antenna (Jeff White, WRMI, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Tnx a lot, Arnie! Your DX show doesn`t get jammed; why should mine? This was heavy grinding overlaying 2-per-second pulses. On other occasions, WRMI has not been jammed at this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE [non]. ``RFI Musique`` with nice eclectic selection, some in French, English, Mideastern, on 15515, Sunday June 22 from 1235 tune-in, pause for timesignal at 1300, more music. Don`t know how long past 1300 it lasted, but gone when rechecked some time after 1330. Music was not announced, just canned IDs at least in English, French and Spanish. Per all online schedules, this frequency is supposed to be on only at 1200-1230 in Spanish, daily, via Guiana French, 250 kW at 270 degrees to CAm. This seems like the fill music RFI typically runs during strikes; there was one last week, supposed to last only one or two days. Is it still going? But why would they add this extra transmission, anyway? 

RFI, 15515 via Guiana French, tuned in at 1229 June 25 to hear some high-energy music just before abrupt cutoff at 1230* without so much as an au-revoir. One June 22 this stayed on past 1300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** INDONESIA. VOI back on nominal 9525 (9524.96, says Ron Howard), June 25 at 1220 in Japanese, drumming. But June 26 at 1300 transitioning from Japanese to Korean, on 9526 again, and marred by previously unheard big continuous tone with several carrier peaks on the high side, no other modulation detectable, so I think this is a new defect coming out of the VOI transmitter itself. Not the CRI het from 9525 which does not start until 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WTJC, 9370, playing a military medley, Wednesday June 25 at 1255, such as Air Force Hymn going at 1257 to Marine Corps Hymn, 1300 news. Maybe just fill as does not appear on their program schedule for 8:55 am at http://www.fbnradio.com/new_page_copy(1).htm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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