[HCDX] LOGS June 20
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[HCDX] LOGS June 20

June 20:

SAUDI ARABIA 15.205 Khz, 1652-1701, BSKSA Holy Quran, Riyadh Jun 20 OM Talk AA. SINPO 45354 (CAJ). 

SAUDI ARABIA 15225, 1701-1706, BSKSA 1, Riyadh Jun 20 OM/YL talk AA. SINPO 55444. (CAJ). 

LIBYA 15215 KHz, 1706-1727, LJB Voice of Africa, Tripoli Jun 20 OM talk FF: Nx's Internacionais sobre a globalização, SINPO 34322 (CAJ). 

EQUADOR 15295 Khz, 1728-1734, HCJB Voice of Andes, Quito Jun 20 YL talk PP:  Px religioso,  SINPO 42553 (CAJ). 

FRANCE 15.300 Khz, 1734-1741, Radio France International, Paris Jun 20 OM/OM talk FF: Nx's internacionais, sobre a emissão mundial de Co2. SINPO 33443 (CAJ). 

ARGENTINA 15340, 1741-1747, RAE Radio al Exterior , Buenos Aires Jun 20  YL Talk SS: Px sobre política interna  Argentina. SINPO 54544 (CAJ). 

SAUDI ARABIA 15435, 1747-1751, BSKSA 1, Riyadh Jun 20 OM/OM talk AA, SINPO 45344 (CAJ). 

RUSSIA 15465, 1752-1810, Voice of Russia, ??? Jun 20 YL talk FF: Nx's internacionais, sobre missão militar na Tunísia. SINPO 35333 (CAJ). 

GABÃO 15475, 1810-1819, Africa Nº 1, Moyabi Jun 20  OM talk FF: Nx's sobre futebol no continente africano. SINPO 35433 (CAJ). 


Cleiber Andrade Junior (PY4VFO/PY3006SWL)

 Conselheiro Lafaiete MG, Brazil

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