[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 12-14, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 12-14, 2008

** ALBANIA. R. Tirana, Albanian to NAm at 2300-2430, finally clear of WWRB QRM, June 12 at 2330 check as Tirana moved from 9390 to 9345, leaving WWRB to blast Brother Scare sidebands away from 9385 an hour later than its authorized 2300 closing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BIAFRA [non]. V. of Biafra International remained on WHRI 17650, Friday June 13, contrary to FCC-scheduled change to 15280 supposed to start in June. Tuned in at 1959 for early false-start. Not only did the transmitter drop off the air several times --- I thought they might belatedly be remembering to switch to 15280 --- but also the audio feed had annoying internet artifacts and glitches, also starting over. Finally at 2003 started once again and seemed to keep going, but I couldn`t keep listening. It was still on 17650 when I caught the closing at 2058, WHRI ID. Meanwhile at 2000, WHRI was also on 15665 but with other programming. That had been the previously planned replacement for 17650 instead of 15280. So what will happen next Friday? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. Some Firedrake observations: 9865, June 12 at 1840, fair vs RFA Chinese via Tinian. 14410, June 13 at 1530, VG signal against no sign of Sound of Hope, stronger than 15285, 12040, 11990, and weak 17565. June 14 at 1420 the latter was on 17550 instead, no doubt following the peregrinations of V. of Tibet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. No further sign of Cuban music tests on 17660 or 15460 since June 7, yet June 12 at 1832 I could still hear some jamming on 15460, just in case. Also lite jamming on 6100 at 0621 June 14, vs nothing; R. República is on there evenings, and has also been a madrugada WHRI test frequency for Cuban music. See also UNIDENTIFIED 7365 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. Looking for Mérida: June 14 at 0621 could only hear BBC French via Ascension on 6105, 0600-0630, no het, so not 24 hours or just too weak? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. VOR WS in English, 7330, at 1411 June 14, and not making it on 19m where I had heard it occasionally during this hour. Per Aoki, 7330 is Vladivostok-Rasdolnoy at 230 degrees, on air long hours but English during this hour only, 1420 VOR promo (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Some WBCQ observations: 15420-CUSB was on the air with newest WORLD OF RADIO 1412 during its newly rescheduled semihour, Wednesday June 11 at 2113 check. 9330, now dedicated to Brother Scare, was missing June 12 not only at 1431, but still at 1840 check; back on by next check at 0030 UT Friday June 13, but gone again June 14 at 1412. At 0030 Friday I was really checking 7415 for WORLD OF RADIO, which did not start until 0034, upcut after Goddess running late, long pause, standard ID and another long pause (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Happened to tune by 17690 again Thursday June 12 when Arabic was on WHRI again, listed as Bible Pathways. At 1834 same announcer switched to English for address: P O Box 6007, Milton TN 37118, USA. However Googling this leads nowhere, and the contact address on the http://www.biblepathways.org is a different box in Murfreesboro TN. At 1835 into ecumenically scheduled ``Nice Jewish Boy`` show, except they are both no doubt really Christians of some ilk.

11785, WHRI, supposedly on all the way from 13 to 24, missing at 1837 check June 12 and at 1336 June 13. See also UNIDENTIFIED 7365; BIAFRA [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 7365 still going with Cuban music tests from WHRI, June 13 at 1336 over jamming; at 1346 played ``Cuba Linda``, 1351 another very familiar syncopated tune, 1353 brief ``running water`` ute QRM. Have not found any other current frequencies for this, but lacking any official info, constant bandscanning would be necessary, which I have not had time to do. The paranoid dentroCubans were still jamming 15460 at 1832 June 12, six days after the music stopped on that frequency.

Cuban music plus jamming still going on 7365, June 14 at 1411, joined at 1421 recheck by a less than 1 kHz het on hi side. This being Saturday, WHRI 11785 was on with Hmong World Christian Radio, so can`t be same transmitter as 7385. 11785 now overpowering again with sideband splash so I suspect it is back to the 250 kW transmitter; third unit on 9840 also on the air with black-sounding gospel huxter in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11915 with a slight het, June 12 at 1839. Too weak to dig out, but most likely Riyadh vs Porto Alegre, as R. Gaúcha has been reported off frequency, just a few days ago, June 8, by Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium at 2021 on 11915.14 also clashing with BSKSA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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