[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 11-12, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 11-12, 2008

** AUSTRIA [non]. Checking out report that English was missing from Ö1, June 11 at 1515 there it was starting after German via Sackville on 13775, as scheduled, which is unnecessarily complex, but per EiBI:

1505 1520 Mo    AUT Radio Austria Int.        E   WNA 13775/CAN
1505 1530 SaSu  AUT Radio Austria Int.        E   WNA 13775/CAN
1515 1530 Tu-Fr AUT Radio Austria Int.        E   WNA 13775/CAN
1535 1600 SaSu  AUT Radio Austria Int.        E   WNA 13775/CAN
1545 1600 Mo-Fr AUT Radio Austria Int.        E   WNA 13775/CAN

Note: you might think that what happens in the second half hour mirrors what happens in the first half hour, and you would be wrong. The rest of each full hour is occupied by German (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Must be solsticial conditions despite pitiful solar flux that account for Firedrake on 17 MHz at 13 UT. Specifically, 17565 at 1308, also audible on 17705, but not on the latter at 1338 recheck. 17565, presumably against V. of Tibet, was stronger than Spain shortpath on 17595 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC Spanish on 11680 June 12 at 1426 producing SAH with another station in music, but RHC cut off after a few seconds. Not scheduled on 11680 at this hour, but messing around again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [and non]. NHK World Network, Radio Japan, as the ID goes, 11705 via Canada, June 12 at 1426 accompanied by pre-echo direct from Yamata, much weaker but certainly audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 11735.1, June 12 at 1427 in Korean with low het, VOK versus? Per online skeds it`s either R. Liberty Biblis, Germany in Russian, or Brasil. RNA 11780 was in well, so likely R. Nova Visão if on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. XEQM, 6104.9, June 12: at first check 1308 just a mess on frequency and did not hear a het of 200-400 Hz as required by previous reports of Mérida`s varied frequency; 1335 Firedrake was audible. That was gone by 1350, just a very weak signal from presumed XEQM. This was probably even closer to 6105.0 but not quite. Talk intonation seemed to be Spanish but could not recognize any words to be sure. 1352, a bit of ``When You Wish Upon A Star`` music underneath; 1354 just music with a beat; 1400 produced announcement, probably ID, again seemed Spanish but not positive, just too poor. Signal still in at 1421, momentarily QRMed by ``running water`` ute; and still at 1433. Those a little closer to Yucatán and/or with a bit better gain, S/N ratio should get this OK even in the daytime. Julián Santiago phoned the station and found out they have been back on the air, with lapses, for two months, the old 250 watt transmitter. They want to get a new
 transmitter and run 24 hours, half of that in Maya language, which is already running on XEMQ 810, but there are other stations in their group, and it`s not clear which one they are relaying now when in Spanish, and whether they are putting Maya on SW yet. I want to know exactly what ID is to be heard on 6105v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. BSKSA, 15170, very weak June 12 at 0530 with Qur`an, but could not hear any buzzing which used to be all one could hear. Apparently buzz has been fixed, tnx to complaint by Mike Barraclough via HFCC, which got a reply June 9 from BSKSA that they had worked on it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Surprised to hear Arabic on 17690, at quick check 1831 UT Wednesday June 11. A new clandestine service, and/or was it really WHRA as scheduled? No and Yes: WHR ID in English at 1859. Looked up later on the WHR online skeds, we see this:
1830 - 1835 2:30 PM - 2:35 PM Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr Bible Pathway Rich Hash 17.690 Mhz 
1835 - 1840 2:35 PM - 2:40 PM Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr Nice Jewish Boy Jonathan Cahn 17.690 Mhz

One of the very annoying things about WHR schedules is that they do not explicitly state language of each listing, often given in English when they are not really in English! Website for show per linx page is

And at first glance, they are in English, nothing about Arabic, but if you look at the Daily Devotional linx, we do find Arabic
and several other languages, which I suppose could appear on WHRA at this time: English, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish?

Maybe not all of them. This page:
gives SW schedule times on WRMI, KWHR, WHRI and WHRA, including these two designated Arabic:
WHRA Angel 5 Middle East, North Africa (Arabic) 1:30PM Mon-Fri ET 1830 Mon-Fri UTC 15.670 Mhz  Jerusalem: 9:30PM 
WHRA Angel 5 Middle East, North Africa (Arabic) 2:30PM Tue-Fri ET 1930 Tue-Fri UTC 11.785 Mhz Jerusalem: 10:30PM 

Trouble is, ET/UT conversions are obviously for ST, not DST, so is the 1830 UT broadcast I heard now the one called ``1930``? WHRA sked currently shows both 1830 and 1930 as well as 1705. Wrong frequencies, too. BP sked is far out of date, still showing Venezuela on an even timezone! And why of all Arabic-speaking cities, do they pick out Jerusalem? And why don`t they call it Al-Quds? And why in this case, do they have a 3-hour summer-time difference between UT and Israel even tho ET/UT are 5 hours apart instead of 4? God apparently has not granted them the power to figure out timezones correctly.

At the bottom of the page B.P. admits it is trying to save ``country after country`` from being ``taken over by Islam``. Bible, Kor`an, Torah/Talmud --- they`re all Abrahamic monotheists, well, with subdivisions in the case of the Christians (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WBCQ absent from 9330 Brother Scare service, checked June 12 at 1431 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. No trace of Cuban music on 6100 when checked June 12 at 1308, just a fair signal in Russian talking about China, presumably CRI, which however per Aoki and Eibi is supposed to be in Mongolian during this hour, in Russian until 1300. (R. Rossii in Tannu Tuva is also listed on 6100, but I can`t believe it was that.). However, at 1432 I found another frequency for the unannounced Cuban music tests: 7365! With no jamming audible. 1459 to WHRI standard ID, asking for reports, no mention of ``next broadcast`` frequency and off. Did not have time to search for the next frequency, if any. 7365 is a neat choice, already used by R. Martí at other hours, besides WHRI too. This was not // Martí 13820. BTW, WHRI was missing from 11785 this morning, perhaps same transmitter currently on 7365 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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