[HCDX] RES: SW brasilian radio stations DXCPR - Clarification
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[HCDX] RES: SW brasilian radio stations DXCPR - Clarification

Greeting from Brazil,

I would like to apologize to everybody for this nonsense discussion, because
it's not a common issue in our country. 

Longtime Brazilian dxers are known to be very qualified in this matter and
we are not focused on feeding such situation as described here, it's worth

I am one of the coordinators of DXCB, I work in its core aiming to push hard
the hobby in our country, and not to spread all over the world such mess,

I would like to apologize again reassuring that it is not the Brazilian way
to make things happen, and I´m sure Rocco Cotroneo will agree with me. We
have been working together a long time ago in an old fashion way as our
hobby demand, and it's working since them.

I will not come up with this issue anymore, but I would like to remind, that
the timestamp file of DXCB MW list is unchanged since its announcement. Just
download it and check it.

When coming to Brazil, please feel free to send us an email and let's make
dxcamps together and exchange information, meeting our hospitality.

Best Regards,

Sarmento Campos - sarmento.campos@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
Rio de Janeiro

-----Mensagem original-----
De: hard-core-dx-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:hard-core-dx-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Em nome de Marcelo Bedene
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 5 de junho de 2008 16:47
Para: Hard-Core-DX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Assunto: [HCDX] SW brasilian radio stations DXCPR - Clarification

would like to clarify some things:

In first place, to say that all is a great lie in this discussion.

The list that the Rocco corrected was a sweeping, all old fashioned and full

one of inaccuracies.

Desire that you know that I let participate exactly in the DXCB, by the 
incompetence of the directive cupola, mainly of Mr. Rocco that published a 
list that updated every 3  years. Towards long time I insisted so that the 
list was updated but assiduously and never they took care of my request.
proposed a new project for the DXCB in mayo/2007 (this list that we are 
using was the one that we sent to them) and did not accept, mainly Mr. Rocco

that was scared to lose the paternity of the list. I proposed to them then, 
to work together and they did not accept either. It was there that I 
separated completely of group DXCB and we created the DXCPR 
www.dxclube.com.br and a new list, in new format and updated day to day. 
After all, that is the reason of a list, to maintain updated information. 
Therefore, an update every 3  years does not have sense.
In the DXCPR we have some collaborators who send the information to us of 
several regions of all the country, but the greater work I do, spending 
money in telephone calls for the transmitters, consulting with the people in

charge of the transmitters in all Brazil. I like much to do this; I am a 
lover of the OM.
We have a list with many members and about 300 posts per month 
It is enough with crossing posts, to verify the hundreds of updates that I 
already did, sending the list for different forums anywhere in the world. 
Clear that this it is an enormous country, of continental dimensions and 
always it will be possible to find some error in the list.
I recently download a copy of the list published by  DXCB and I noticed that

now he is exactly equal to my list with minimum errors to my favor. They are

taking advantage of the spreading my updates and simply, correcting the list

of them. Simply ridiculous.
I only know that they are dying of jealousy, by the good repercussion that 
we are having. The list that we published is reliable, and it is already 
reference anywhere in the world, thanks to serious and responsible a work 
that we do here.
I also say to them that the DXCPR is not a club of a man only, the 
difference is in which here single we have voluntary collaborators and we 
did not receive anything to participate, is a work in favor of the DX and 
nothing else, then, a mini foundation in that accusation of plagiarism does 
not exist. One is the continuity of a work that badly was directed and that 
is a serious defect of the DXCB, if you enter there with new ideas, they do 
not admit it, it is necessary to be in everything in agreement with them.
It was by that reason that I moved away of them, to be able to make a work 
of quality


PX5G6444 (Off-Road)
MSN: mbdn3000@xxxxxxxxxxx

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Willi Passmann" <>
To: "Rocco Cotroneo" <>
Cc: "HCDX" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] New Perseus Databases

> Hi Rocco,
> thanks for your mail which gave new information to me. However, I think 
> this is a matter that should be discussed between you and Marcelo Bedene. 
> I do not claim any rights regarding the content of the lists collected in 
> the Perseus Databases. I see my task in combining frequency lists (of 
> course with permission of the publisher), and to add functions like 
> displaying sunrise / sunset times and distance, as well as receiver 
> operation for the Perseus.
> As I did not know any background of the DXCB - DXCP issue until now, I do 
> not feel well prepared for any final judgement. When I downloaded your 
> list some minutes ago (Link 1 gives a 404-error, btw) I noticed that the 
> list is from 2007 and does not contain any coordinates which are essential

> for the above mentioned calculations.
> But I offer to add your list to the Perseus Databases. Just send an Excel 
> file to me and much more DXers will be able to take notice of your work. 
> Let them decide what list they prefer.
> What do you think?
> vy 73
> Willi
> Rocco Cotroneo schrieb:
>> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 10:33 AM, Willi Passmann >> wrote:
>>     Hello all,
>>     a new version of the Perseus databases is available at
>>     http://www.4shared.com/dir/5567845/166a39bd/sharing.html
>> Willi
>>   just to inform you that Bedene's list (DXCP is a sort of one-man club) 
>> is basically a Excel copy of the Brazilian Medium Wave list which has 
>> been edited for years by the Dx Clube do Brasil, with a few more bells 
>> and whistles.
>>   Our list - used and acknowledged by hundreds of Mw dxers around the 
>> world - is now at its Fourth edition. 
>> http://www.ondascurtas.com/listasemissorasmw.asp
>> I understand that Bedene's list is suitable for your software purpose. I 
>> just wanted to let you know how his work has been done without giving any

>> credit to probably over 90 per cent of his entries, and dozens of our 
>> collaborators in the past eight years.
>> Rocco Cotroneo
>> Dx Clube do Brasil
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