[HCDX] tropical logs
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[HCDX] tropical logs

4910khz ABC VL8T, Tennant Creek   Australia   7/6    2143utc  Full id  as abc radio      good 34333

4835khz VL8A, Alice Springs   Australia 7/6  2156utc  About the broadcasting  in Australia  + id    33333

3396khz BC Zimbabwe ,Gweru   Zimbabwe 7/6   2211utc   African drums  mx. VN talks      good  33333

4954.98khz  r.Cultura Amauta,Huanta  Peru   7/6   2345utc Local news in Spanish + music strong signal but weak audio   32222

4949.97khz r.Madre de Dios ,Pt Maldonado   Peru   7/6    2358utc I.D radio Madre de Dios in Spanish   32222

4824.46khz  LV de la Selva ,Iquitos  Peru    8/6     0033utc Typ. Peru music  Spanish     codar qrm     32222

4716.67khz  r.Yura ,Aillu Yura  Bolivia    8/6  0049utc  Nice Bolivian music  id "Yura"     33222

3310khz r.Mosoj Chaski,Cochabamba   Bolivia 8/6   0105utc  Spanish talks by female and local music     qrm  32222

3279.92khz La Voz del Napo ,Tena  Ecuador   8/6   0116utc   Relig. choir songs      weak audio    32222

3220khz   HCJB,Quito    Ecuador   8/6    0128utc  Talks by male    weak   22222

5120.25khz  Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba    Peru 8/6    0138utc   weak talks  and spanish  music    22222

RX:Perseus ,Diff. antennas 

Gr.  Maurits Van Driessche                    Belgium
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