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[HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, March 10-12th

3200, SWAZILAND, TWR, 0257-0306, Mar 10, vernacular.
ID/IS loop in EG; M at 0300 w/ choral music and talks
in lang; poor-fair. (Barbour-NH)

3990, CHINA, Xinjiang PBS Urumqi, 2359-0023, Mar 10,
Mandarin. M & W w/ talk b/w exotic ballads & musical
selections; fair at best over mild ARO chatter; //4890
poor under CODAR & band noise. (Barbour-NH)

4775, SWAZILAND, TWR, *0400-0415, Mar 11, German. S/on
w/ ID & choral mx; ancr w/ religous talks & hymns;
jazz-like mx at 0415, fair. (Barbour-NH)

4781.14, BOLIVIA, presumed R.Tacana, 1013-1028, Mar
10, Spanish. M ancr b/w musical selections; poor-weak
w/ CODAR; unusable by BoH. (Barbour-NH)

4790.2, PERU, R. Vision, 0417-0430, Mar 11, Spanish.
Familiar format of M w/ religous talk into"live" M
preacher; fair. (Barbour-NH)

4965, ZAMBIA, CVC, 2338-2350, Mar 11, English. Fire &
brimstone preacher; ancr at 2339 w/ "Focus on the
Family" prg ID; contemporary religous mx from 2341;
poor-fair; best in ECCS-LSB. (Barbour-NH)

5009.98, MADAGASCAR, RTV Malagasy, 0217-0233, Mar 10,
French. Up-beat mx and "R.Madagascar" ID; M & W w/
list of numbers; Los Lobos "La Bamba" at 0230; fair,
reduced carrier USB. (Barbour-NH)

5954.1v, COSTA RICA, "Elcor Transmitter", 2310-2327*,
Mar 11, Spanish/English. "Live" SP mx; pop
instrumental & Alanis Morrisette tune w/ txmission
abruptly terminated at songs end; fair at best w/ adj.
channel splatter. (Barbour-NH)

5980, MOROCCO, R. Marocaine, 0333-0359, Mar 12,
Arabic. Round-table discussion at t/in; ad string at
0039 followed by presumed AR pop mx request prg w/
touch-tone effects & phone number; fanfare at 0358
crushed at 0359 by 5975 RNW-Neth.Antillies s/on;
fair-good. (Barbour-NH) 

9430, PHILIPPINES, FEBC Bocaue, 1233-1250, Mar 11,
Mandarin. M w/ continuos religous talk until W over mx
at 1249; right back to M ancr; fair-poor; fading out
by t/out. (Barbour-NH)

9450, "POLAND", Polskie Radio via Wertachtal,
1303-1312, Mar 10, English. "News from Poland" w/ M
ancr re Polish P.M. visit to U.S.; Egyptian leader
visit to Poland; Polish anti-semetism; poor.

Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale,NH-USA

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