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[HCDX] R.Ukraine Intl A08

Radio Ukraine International
Summer A08 Broadcasting Schedule
(30 March 2008 - 26 October 2008)
 Time UTC   Freq  Txer Site Azimuth Target Area 
 0000-0500  7530  Kharkiv 055 Russia 
 0500-0800  9945  Kharkiv 290 Western Europe 
 0800-1300  11550 Kharkiv 277 Western Europe
1300-1700  7530  Kharkiv 055 Russia
1700-2100  7490  Kharkiv 290 Western Europe
2100-2400  7510  Kharkiv 290 Western Europe 
2300-0400  7440  Lviv    303 Northeastern America 
 Power of transmitters: in Kharkiv - 100 kW; in Lviv - 600 kW. 
 Transmission schedules in various languages are as follows:
ENGLISH (one hour long): 
0000 & 0300 7440 kHz, 
0500 9945 kHz; 
0900 & 1100 11550 kHz; 
1400 only via satellite; 
1900 7490 kHz; 2100 7510 kHz.

GERMAN (one hour long): 
1700 & 2000 7490 kHz; 
2300 7510 kHz.

UKRAINIAN programmes are transmitted at all times except for
the times reserved for English and German programmes, as 
shown above.

ROMANIAN (half an hour long): 
at 1700, 1930 & 2100 on 657 kHz (via Chernivtsi 25 kW).
 All these transmissions are available also in Real Audio 
and in audio mp3 files on our Website www.nrcu.gov.ua, 
and on satellite "Sirius 4": 
 5 degrees East, horizontal polarization, 11766 MHz, 
SR 27.500 Ms/s, FEC 3/4, channel RUI.
 This schedule is subject to changes.
(Via  Alexander Yegorov,7th Mar 2008)

Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi
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