[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 1-2
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 1-2

** CANADA. 6160 with blues interview and music, no doubt CBC Radio One`s
Saturday Night Blues on PST feed from CKZU, 0705 UT Sunday March 2, a 2-hour
show starting at 0605. Odd thing was no trace at all of CKZN at this time,
unlike a few nights earlier when they were equally mixing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** INDONESIA. VOI, 9526, active March 1 at 1357 check in Korean with Indonesian
accent, usual good signal. Also March 2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. I enjoy the haiku segment on World Interactive when I catch it
from NHK Warido Radio Japan --- and did so Sat March 1 at 1415 via Canada on
11705. Not the usual very strong signal, but adequate. Unfortunately, this
seems to have been the last monthly haiku spot, as toward the end it was
mentioned very casually in passing ``for the last time`` and they did not ask
for more listener input as they normally do. Well, of course, a month from now
it will be April, and R. Japan will have undergone yet more programming changes
and cuts with the new fiscal year. Let`s hope what little English programming
they had left after the cuts last October, will remain even without haiku,
which was something so distinctively Japanese. Sackville could not keep the
transmitter on long enough for us to hear when the day`s next English broadcast
would be, even tho it lasted until 1429:15* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** RUSSIA. Another check of 6020 on March 2. At 1355 under R. Australia,
typical long Russian tune-up tones with pauses. No hum audible. At 1357-1402 I
was ? natch ? monitoring 6074 so missed whatever was going on at hourtop on
6020 as RA was closing. At 1403, back to 6020 and did hear talk in unID
language, now with the hum. I could easily believe it is Telugu. At 1422 check
heard a Family Radio musical riff, as it was fading out, so now am pretty sure
it`s really longpath from Samara as scheduled during this hour.

Per http://www.gaisma.com/en/location/samara.html sunset at Samara today was
1820 local = 1420 UT, so quite late enough for 6020 to be propagating darkward.
In fact I was hearing it right at LSS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** SPAIN. REE is still filling its ``DX program`` with music, and earlier in
the hour on UT Sundays: Radio Waves played two pieces of pop music somehow
related to radio --- I don`t remember the titles --- ending at 0032 UT March 2
on 6055, and I think was already going when I tuned in around 0020 (Glenn

** VENEZUELA [non]. All I had time for Sunday March 2 in checking Aló,
Presidente, was to find that at 1428, 13750 was VG // weak 13680 and 11670;
11875 underneath WEWN, not on 11680 again instead. Big open carrier on 17750,
probably WYFR instead. I heard later on BBC news that on this show, HCF
announced tanks positioned on Colombian border because he doesn`t like Colombia
hitting FARC across another border in Ecuador. Oh, boy (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, 8GAL: was listening closely for it March 1 at 1359 until
1403, but only trace of it for a few seconds was something chirpy which may
have been the CW transmitter malfunxioning. Meanwhile the Spanish 2-way SSB was
back on 6072. For second morning in a row, not audible with V/CQ CW marker when
checked between 1357 and 1402 March 2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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