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[HCDX] Rwanda, Eq. Guinea, Moldova, Zambia, Ethiopia

RWANDA  6055  R. Rwanda  2040-2044 great lcl vcl mx, then Hi-life mx.  2049 
M anncr pres. Kinyarwanda.  2050 soft pleasant song then same M w/more 
voice-over tlk w/ment of Rwanda.  2057 M returned as song ended including 2 
nice IDs, ment of Rwanda sev. times, and cont. mx at 2058 to ToH.  2100 
instru. Dance mx and short canned anmnt by M w/ment of Rwanda.  Start of a 
song, deadair, and off at exactly 2101:29*.  Excellent clear signal.  (3 

EQUATORIAL GUINEA  6250  R. Nacional, Malabo  Carrier already on at 0455. 
*0457-0459 Instru. NA (short version.  I've already heard it go on for 
nearly 5 minutes).  Nonstop LA Dance mx 0459-0506.  0506 M w/short ID anmnt 
".R. Nacional de Malabo.".  Mx briefly then live M "Senore y senores buenos 
dias ?? R. Malabo." and cont. mx w/more voice-over anmnts.  0509 different M 
anncr.  A lot of tlk over mx then w/R. Malabo IDs and morning greetings. 
Fair signal and clear but unusually noisy.  Much better signal at 0600.  (5 

MOLDOVA  6240  R. PMR  2344-0000 deadair.  0000 chime IS once, then EG ID by 
M "Here is Tiraspol, the capital of the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic. 
Today is Tuesday the 5th of February 2008.  This is the next edition of the 
English version of the informational analytic program Pridnestrovia prepared 
by the editorial staff of information political program of the Radio PMR.". 
Political nx and editorials.  0013 ID and sked by M over fanfare mx.  Mx to 
end the pgm, then IS once and into FR pgm.  Excellent signal.  (5-6 Feb.)

ZAMBIA  5915  ZNBC/R. One  tone to 0240, then Fish Eagle IS to 0250.  Choral 
NA 0250-0252, deadair, then tlk by M in vern. lang. w/native mx.  0255 mx 
bridge and W anncr w/opening anmnt w/R. One ID and chatter in the studio. 
Pleasant instru. mx, then W anncr again at 0258, then Hi-life mx over and 
past ToH.  Decent signal but just horrendous slop QRM from adjacent freq. 
(6 Feb.)

ETHIOPIA  7110  R. Ethiopia  Carrier on as early as 0254.  Adjacent bdcstr 
just blasting over the freq.  It was only when it stopped playing mx that 
this came in clear w/tinkly IS at 0259 followed by opening anmnt by M w/ID 
sounding like "R. Ee-Tah-Pee".  0300 three gongs denoting ToH, then short 
pgm intro w/techo mx.  Pres. nx by different M then.  W anncr at 0303, 
modern Horn of Africa mx, and same M returned at 0305.  Poss. press review 
pgm w/long actuality by journalist.  0318 childrens choir.  Would have been 
nice if not for the slop QRM.  Personally I prefer the old rapid flute IS 
they used to play.  (7 Feb.)

73          Dave 

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