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Re: [HCDX] Dxers Unlimited´s weekend edition for 9-10 February 2008


Hi amigos radioaficionados all around the world, and moving in orbit 
around  Planet Earth,and
according to recent headlines, never before so many radio amateur 
operators have
gathered in space... although one of them is scheduled to return back to 
Earth in a few days.
Let´s hope that many newcomers to amateur radio may be able to make 
their first contact
with other hams orbiting the Earth during the next few days... Space ham 
radio operation is
one of the more than 83 ways that you can I can enjoy amateur radio, 
although not many
of us have the opportunity of flying into Earth orbit !!!. By the way, 
two way contacts on the
two meters amateur band with spacecraft flying in low space orbit is 
quite easy using very  
simple equipment... a two meters band hand held FM transceiver, a 
handie-talkie, and
a three or four element portable Yagi antenna is all you will need to 
contact fellow radio
amateurs orbiting the Earth....  Item two: Just back from a surprise 
trip to Venezuela and
a one week very short vacation here in Havana amigos... and still 
catching up with the
backlog... I had the nice opportunity of visiting Radio Nacional of 
Venezuela, and also
climbing to one of the mountains sorrounding Caracas, to see the unique 
AM broadcast
band site of YVKE Mundial 550 kiloHertz and Radio Nacional of  
Venezuela´s Canal
Informativo 630 kiloHertz stations, that are now sharing the same 
antenna system.
YKKE Mundial 550 kiloHertz is a frequent DX catch in North America 
during this solar
minimum and its 130 meters high tower stands high above the Avila 
mountain, overlooking
Caracas.  More about my visit to Venezuela , where I was invited to 
attend the Radio
Club Venezolano amateur radio organization´s ceremony of installation of 
its newly
elected executive committee, later in today´s weekend edition of Dxers 
I am Arnie Coro, radio amateur CO2KK, your host here at this twice 
weekly radio hobby
program.... I will be back with you in a few seconds, after a short 
break for station ID...

Si amigos, this is Radio Havana Cuba, the name of the program is Dxers 
Unlimited, and yes
we do QSL, we do verify reception reports with a beautiful QSL card that 
you will keep
in your collection and show to your friends for years to come. This is 
our weekend edition
and now here is item three : Dxing from South America...  an eyewitness 
report... Sure
I had done it before... I remember very well my first stay in Rio de 
Janeiro way back in
1981, during the ITU Region II Medium Wave Conference, where I used for 
the first time
the Sony ICF 2001 digital receiver that was just coming out to the world 
market. I bought
the receiver on my way to BRAZIL, during a four day stopover in Panama 
City, and
was able to enjoy for the first time ever the use of a portable digital 
receiver. Our own
50 kiloWatt transmitter operating on 15340 kiloHertz was easily heard at 
Rio de Janeiro´s
beautiful Hotel Nacional, designed by worldwide known Brazilian 
architect Oscar Niemeyer...
The Sony ICF2001, the grand-daddy of today´s portable digital receivers, 
behaved very
well from the 19th floor room of the Hotel, overlooking the San Conrado 
beach, near
the famous Copacabana and Ipanema white sands strips... But in Caracas, 
many years later
reception was quite different from the seaside location in Brazil... I 
was using another Sony
portable, the ICF 7600G, and a short length of wire hanging down from 
the window...
As expected, the location, a valley totally sorrounded by high 
mountains, made reception
of AM broadcast band DX practically impossible, although the magic of 
short wave brought
a lot of signals despite the extremely low solar activity that prevailed 
during my stay
in Venezuela...
Item four: Some of the self proclaimed gurus of international broadcasting
sometimes fumble the ball and just loose it... for example, a friend 
e-mailed me this week
a comment about my shows, in which the self proclaimed expert affirmed 
that my programs
where sent to the station via a phone link.... Well, once again the guru 
missed... what really
happens is that when I arrive at Studio 6, my sound engineer of many 
years now, Jose
Costa Pupo, knows that the audio frequency equalizer must be set 
according to my
own optimized frequency response curve... The shape of the curve is 
optimized for voice,
so you won´t hear audio below 250 cycles per second, or above 3000 
cycles per second...
And sure, it does sound much better under difficult propagation 
conditions... So amigos,
just for your information... no, they are not phone-in as many times 
proclaimed by a constant
critic of Radio Havana Cuba... it is just your´s truly optimization of 
the frequency response
to achieve the best possible reception of voice signals via short wave...
Item five: More about my visit to Venezuela...  Radio Nacional of 
Venezuela is now involved
in a nation wide expansion and modernization of its broadcast 
facilities, that includes
the installation of a large number of FM broadcast band transmitters to 
increase the
coverage even to the most remote locations. The installation of several 
new AM broadcast
transmitting stations is also now in the works, using solid state 
transmitters and highly
efficient folded monopole vertical antennas. Most of the new AM 
broadcast band sites will
be serving two of Radio Nacional of Venezuela´s national programs, by 
means of a diplexer
arrangement that allows using the same antenna system for transmitting 
two different
AM band frequencies . This is a very sound and economical approach that 
has been used
for a long time by AM stations around the world, and now it is even a 
more efficient approach
thanks to the use of the vertical folded and grounded monopole antennas, 
that also provide
additional protection for the solid state output modules of the modern 
So, in the not too distant future, I am sure that Dxers in South 
America, the Caribbean
Central America and North America will be able to pick up the new 
Venezuelan AM transmitters
broadcasting Radio Nacional of Venezuela different programs, as several 
of these sites
will be using power outputs in the 10 to 50 kiloWatt range... the kind 
of power that makes
possible frequent DX pick up from distances of more than one or two 
thousand miles away...

You are listening to Radio Havana Cuba, the name of the show is Dxers 
Unlimited, and you
can send your signal reports, comments about the program and radio hobby 
related questions
to arnie@xxxxxx, again, very easy to remember and to type too... 
arnie@xxxxxxxxx, VIA AIR MAIL
you can get in touch by sending a postcard or letter to Arnie Coro, 
Radio Havana Cuba,
Havana , Cuba... and now the weekend edition of Dxers Unlimited 
continues via short wave
and from 05 to 07 UTC we are also on the world wide web via streaming 
audio from
http://rhc.cu.... Amigos, amateur radio once again demonstrated its 
unique ability to
provide much needed emergency communications during natural disasters... 
The recent
tornadoes that produced terrible loss of life and destruction in the 
United States of America
were, once again, an occassion to show how ham radio operators could 
provide inmediate
help and assistance to those in charge of handling the emergencies, when 
all traditional
communications systems failed due to the devasting effects of the 
twisters... Every
amateur radio operator should always keep an emergency kit ready , so as 
to be able
to help his community when the need comes to provide effective links 
that don´t require
the backup and support of sophisticated systems that despite all 
efforts, always seem
to go out of order when the natural or man made emergency situations 

And now amigos, just before going QRT, now back in Havana, at RHC Studio 6
and with the audio frequency equalizer set for optimum response to my 
here is Arnie Coro´s HF plus low band VHF propagation update and forecast.
According to solar scientists the almost never ending long, long end 
tail of solar
cycle 23 seems to be going to last for at least several more weeks... 
call for extremely low solar activity , rock bottom solar flux near 70 
units and
lower, and zero sunspots for at least six more weeks... so , short wave 
conditions will be limited to the lower frequency bands, with daytime 
reaching only up to 18 or 20 megaHertz. Night time maximum useable frequency
on some paths will dip even below 7 megaHertz , something typical of 
long periods of very low solar activity. For Low frequency bands Dxers, 
in the range
between 100 kiloHertz and 2 megaHertz, propagation conditions will be 
ideal during
periods of quiet geomagnetic activity... and when the eventual solar 
coronal hole
sends a stream of charge particles to hit the Earth´s magnetosphere... 
then the
AM broadcast band will bring in some rare and nice DX especially to the 
South of
your location. Amateur radio operators that enjoy the use of the 160 
meters band
will be able to work some nice DX during the rest of February and early 
possibly the best conditions for 160 meters for many years to come... 
Hope to
have you all listening to the mid week edition of Dxers Unlimited , 
Tuesday and
Wednesday UTC days, and don´t forget to send me your signal reports , 
about the program and radio hobby related questions to arnie@xxxxxx, or 
MAIL to Arnie Coro, Radio Havana Cuba, Havana, Cuba... and to all of you 
missed my show during my surprise trip to Venezuela and one week vacation
in HAVANA  and wrote e-mails asking about me... thank you very much to 
all amigos..
fortunately I am in good health and enjoying our wonderful radio hobby 
as always !!!

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