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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs February 8-9

** ANGUILLA. DGS missing from 6090, Feb 9 at 0707 check, uncovering some
extremely distorted talk, perhaps two stations mixing. Is Nigeria this bad like
it is on some other frequencies? 11775 also missing Feb 9 at 1445, but on when
rechecked at 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHAD. Everything back to normal? 4905 heard again Feb 8 at 0630 with usual
music, 0641 announcement; heavy CODAR QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** CROATIA [non non]. V. of Croatia, 6165, 0700 Feb 9 with ID, news in English,
34533, some CCI, but frequency is totally blocked by huge widespread signal
from Bonaire until 0657* By 0704 already back to music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** CUBA. The DentroCuban Jamming Command continues to cause immense and totally
unnecessary collateral damage to non-exile broadcasters. Feb 9 at 0703, XEPPM
6185 was putting in a very good signal with a cantata --- but bubble jamming
could be heard on the frequency, also spreading to 6190 (but not heard on 6180
with Brasil, and maybe RHC carrier still on). The only time 6185 `needs` to be
jammed is at 0200-0400 with R. República, but at least one jamming transmitter
on a given frequency can often be heard ticking away during what should be
off-hours. (And I see that the RR and consequent DCJC QSY to 6185 from 6100
still hasn`t made it into EiBi or Aoki, despite first discussed here months
ago.) During 0200-0400, of course, 6185 is a total loss for R. Educación and
its would-be listeners.

After 0700 Feb 9 I also tuned around 49m looking for other spurious Cuban
jamming and found some, around 6135, which would be another leftover from Radio
República at 2200-2400; this bothered NHK on 6145. On the lower side the
jamming merged with jamming-like DRM on 6125-6130-6135 from Sines, 40 degrees
during this hour. 

Also heard some lite jamming around 6085, which might be explained as a mix of
the heavy, and not left-over DCJC against Martí on 5980 and 6030, another 50
kHz higher. 6030 in particular was broad, with spikes extending well past 6025
and 6035 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JORDAN. R. Jordan, 11690, reactivated a few days ago, heard here Feb 8 at
1440 with Arabic pop music, 1446 announcement by YL in French; Jordan strong
enough to make RTTY on lo side evitable simply by tuning slightly to hi side.
1500 timecheck, ID in French by OM. Had a SAH of about 4 Hz, presumably with
HCJB scheduled until 1500, altho no audio heard from it; but SAH still there at
1530; 1537 phone call on the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. MW report of the WABV-1590 DX test, WAIK heard instead: see DXLD
8-017; Daytime MW bandscan: see DXLD 8-018; also on MW DX lists (gh)

** VENEZUELA [non]. Sat Feb 9 sat on 11680 from 1500 waiting for RNV CI via
Cuba to appear. Carrier finally on at 1505:40 and program joined in progress at
1506. Unlike previous Saturdays, no English, all in Spanish to 1522 tune-out.
Great way to build an audience! Also, RHC 13680 carrier stayed on until 1510*

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